Soccer. The Serbian defender Vasilevich Nikola signed contract with BATE

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the Recruit of "yellow-blue" was born

Serbsky the defender Vasilevich Nikola signed contract with BATE.<"16>"

the Recruit of "yellow-blue" was born on June 30, 1991 in Lazarevac. The pupil of local club "Kolubara" (the first trainer — Mirko Miyovich) for which main structure spent in the division of national championship second for a rank two and a half seasons (2009-11).<"18>"

at the beginning of the 2012th joined the Belgrad OFK acting in the Superleague, and in draw-2013/14 "served" to a rank of the captain. Then there came a legionerstvo time. In January the 2015th Vasilevich Nikola joined Romanian "Panduriya's" ranks. And there had an opportunity to debut in Euro cups. The club from Târgu Jiu conceded in the 3rd qualification round of League of Europe-2016/17 to Israeli "Maccabi" from Tel Aviv — 1:2, 1:3 twice. In both meetings Vasilevich Nikola won back full time.

In the 2017th year it acted as

for Japanese" Tokusima Vortis" (D2).<"20>"

