"It is necessary to exempt the capital from productions": Rustam Minnikhanov opened platform KMIZA in Laishevo

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Against large investment projects Shakirov Nur started giving the enterprise to the son — to Shakirov Maxime

JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "KMIZ" opened today the first stage of the new complex on sterilization of medical products for 150 million rubles. Already now the enterprise is loaded by orders for 90% so literally in a year the second turn on 160 million will be started and will double capacities. The correspondent business e-newspaper "Business Online" learned that KMIZ can start sterilizing even archival documents for the region, and the third turn of a new complex will make needles for syringes.

Today in Kirby Laishevsky's village of the area the complex of sterilization of medical products of the Kazan medico-tool plant opened Today in Kirby's village Laishevo district the complex of sterilization of medical products of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "KMIZ" Photo opened: president.tatar.ru


in Kirby's village Laishevo district opened Today a complex of sterilization of medical products of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "KMIZ" (KMIZ). Why KMIZ which main enterprise is in the center Kazan on Salih Saydashev Street, moved to the country, it was right at the beginning not absolutely clear. The director of the affiliated companies with the symbolical name "KMIZ Beam" which was created specially under a complex of sterilization, Shamsetdinov Fanis in conversation with the correspondent business e-newspaper "Business Online" only noticed that location gives certain privileges to the enterprise (probably, the speech about a cheap land tax). Meanwhile to general director KMIZA Shakirov Nur which last year celebrated 70-year anniversary, had obviously no time for journalists. It, being nervous, moved on a platform of a new complex waiting for the main guest — President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov and when the correspondent business e-newspaper "Business Online" asked for it the comment, tenderly redirected to the deputies. So to find out the reason why quite recently Shakirov Maxime solved to reduce the share in authorized capital of plant from 56,94% to 29,9% and to transfer 21,26% for the son Shakirov Maxime , we did not manage.

of Opening of a complex on sterilization of medical products expected for a long time. For the first time on pages of our edition Shakirov Maxime reported about the plans even in the fall of 2015. This complex was critically necessary KMIZU: all production of plant — tooth pine forests, surgical needles, scissors and many other things is needs obligatory sterilization, and in Republic of Tatarstan the equipment for this purpose is not present. Factory workers had to send production to Moscow region and to stand there long turns. "With this problem we could not expand the production because everything was kept by sterilization. Without it there are no final products. And as we opened at ourselves the new center, in 2018 we plan to increase productivity of our plant to 800 million [rubles]. Now the plant makes production somewhere on 600 million rubles" — Shamsetdinov Fanis explained.

of Everything, according to the enterprise, to Russian Federation 6 similar centers of sterilization, however, all of them, except Moscow work, concede on power to the Kazan.

building Construction on the area of 2,5 hectares began

even in the summer of 2016. In total 150 million rubles from own means were spent for realization of the first stage: 80 million — on building construction, 70 million — on purchase the Italian equipment. "We got two sterilizers on 30 "cubes" everyone. This gas equipment working at an oxide of ethylene. But it environmentally friendly. Everything is executed on ISO ( the international organization for standardization of an editor's note ) by the Italian company DE Lama. All gas is burned at the end so it is an environmental standard according to the European requirements" — the director of subsidiary assured.

In the building was rather empty, around there were hundreds identical boxes with medical products, and the Iron Curtain covered those sterilizers which personally did not manage to be seen, unfortunately.

A bit later the enterprise plans to get two more similar big sterilizers because already today production is loaded for 90%. Generally it is the orders arriving from most KMIZA, and also JSC "ZDRAVMEDTEKH-P". "Therefore we plan to extend for start of new productions in the neighboring building. About 160 million more rubles are required. The second turn will be started in 2019" — the speaker emphasized. Moreover, in May, 2018 construction of one more building where production shpritsevy needles will settle down will begin. At stand KMIZA it is proud it was reported: implementation of the project will allow to lower an importozavisimost Russian Federation on syringes from 85% to 60%.

To Rustam Minnikhanov quickly showed stands KMIZA, told about plans and brought on a scene Rustam Minnikhanov quickly accepted stands KMIZA, told about plans and gave on a scene Photo : president.tatar.ru



On opening of the new enterprise there arrived the minister of the industry and trades Republic of Tatarstan Karimov Albert , the newly made Minister of Economics of RT Farid Sultanovich Abdulganiev and the deputy minister of health care of RT Yarkaeva Farida . The head of department, Vafin Adele , was on memorial service on the occasion of death of the deputy Shishmareva Helena .

Though the owner of plant could not communicate to the press, it with pleasure the world famous cardiologist, the academician of RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCE, the frequent guest made Republic of Tatarstan by Akchurin Rinat . It, having taken in hand one of medical tweezers, started proving that instruments of domestic productions significantly differ from the American, English and German analogs. "It means that it is necessary to pay attention of the medical industry and to production which provides that health care lost by us from the 1990th to the 2000th years. . It seems to me that to us is what to show and than to use to health care today" — the cardiosurgeon assured. According to him, unfortunately, not all know where it is possible to acquire to Russian Federation the similar equipment and not all this do: "As our prime minister once told, some chase kickbacks, but this time will come to an end sometime". Now the academician together with KMIZOM and medico-tool plant of Gorky work over big vascular tools which are created for large vascular surgery.

But Akchurin Rinat as in the doorway there was Rustam Minnikhanov did not manage to share up to the end all plans with colleagues. To it quickly showed stands KMIZA, told about plans and brought on a scene. "There is production which is very necessary for us — on sterilization of disposable medical production. It will work not only for KMIZA, there are colleagues who too make medical products. The most important that here big plans of further emergence of the new enterprises which are connected with medicine. We consider that such projects are very important" — President of the Republic of Tatarstan told and right there opened the reason for which the plant moved to Laishevo: "We have to exempt our capital from industrial productions and place our enterprises in the district: geographical position of this territory very convenient".

Akchurin Rinat whom also invited to a scene, noticed that it is possible to sterilize in the new equipment anything. It is possible for this reason Shamsetdinov Fanis mentioned that the new complex can get order on sterilization of archival documents from state institutions. However, while it only intentions. According to Akchurin Rinat, 60 square meters which two equipments can process in 12 hours, will help to cover the deficit of this of services not only in Republic of Tatarstan, but also in the Volga region, especially as similar centers for all Russian Federation only 6. "Me very much pleases, Rustam Minnikhanov that I do not feel that atmosphere which periodically meets in Moscow supposedly let's wait a bit to elections, and then we will solve. To me it is joyful that here everything is solved always and every day" — Akchurin Rinat told. Shakirov Maxime, however, even on a scene was laconic. Having called the project "collective work of all our republic", it together with the chief engineer pressed the button, doors of a sterilizer were closed, and the first production went for processing.

On opening of the new enterprise arrived the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Tatarstan Albert Karimov (the third on the right), the newly made Minister of Economics of RT Fareed Abdulganiyev (the second on the right) and the deputy minister of health care of RT Fareed Yarkayev (on the right) On opening of the new enterprise arrived Karimov Albert (the third on the right), the newly made Minister of Economics of RT Farid Sultanovich Abdulganiev (the second on the right) and Yarkaeva Farida (on the right) Photo : president.tatar.ru


Among guests there was a president of the union of associations and the enterprises of the medical industry (Rosmedprom association) Yuri Kalinin which, however, too highly appreciated the potential of new productions: "I will make bold to tell that we are present on the most important event of all our medical industry. You perfectly know that a share of our production in the Russian market in the field of disposable medical tools of only 20 percent". The expert added that to Russian Federation there were only two plants which are engaged in release of medical products, including Kazan, and noticed that specially arrived today to RT capital to discuss prospect of developments the enterprises.

the Director of Institute of medicine of KFU Kiyasov Andrey in conversation with business e-newspaper "Business Online" called opening of the first stage of a complex "smart news". According to him, there are different types of sterilization — temperature, radiation. "If at JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "KMIZ" is a type of sterilization for disposable subjects as syringes, it is very good platform. Small enterprises can use including. It is possible to make in pure, but not sterile conditions and already then at plant to sterilize" — Kiyasov Andrey told.

the Director of Institute of medicine of KFU confirmed that to Russian Federation similar complexes do not suffice therefore opening in Republic of Tatarstan — is big break. He noted and a successful arrangement of a platform from the point of view of logistics. "The disposable linen can be sterilized, so not only about hospitals the speech, but also about other branches where the disposable linen and disposable subjects are used. Application is possible and in the sphere of nanobiotechnologies, in same "Himgrada" where the sterile linen" too is necessary — Kiyasov Andrey told.

the Director of Zdravmedtekh association Kuznetsova Irina considers that the complex which has opened today, undoubtedly, is demanded. "The modern hi-tech sterilizing complex will be demanded, especially, from my point of view, producers of the disposable medical products released in a sterile state. In particular, this complex JSC "ZDRAVMEDTEKH-P", making sterile disposable surgical clothes and linen" plans to use services — she declared.

by data Kuznetsova, to Russian Federation works about 20 sterilizing centers sterilizing production by methods of radiation and gas sterilization, however at some of them already outdated equipment.


in 1931. The plant makes more than 3 thousand names of the medical tools delivered both on Russian, and on the markets of the near and far abroad. According to base Kontur-Fokus , 48,5% of JSC KMIZ belongs LLC "Polimernyye Izdeliya", 34,62% — LLC "KMIZ Export", 10% — to Shakirov Maxime to Nurovich, 3,33% — to Shakirov Nur . Director general — Shakirov Nur . For the end of 2016 the revenue of JSC KMIZ made 388 million rubles, net profit — 3,2 million rubles.

Rustam Minnikhanov
Last position: President of the Republic of Tatarstan (President of the Republic of Tatarstan)
Farid Sultanovich Abdulganiev
Last position: The Comissioner for the President of the Republic of Tatarstan on protection of the rights of businessmen — the Assistant to the President (Presidential Administration of the Republic of Tatarstan)
Yuri Kalinin
Last position: Vice-chairman of Board (PJSC Rosneft)
Shakirov Nur
Shakirov Maxime