Return of the lascivious dancer

@Gazeta "Kul'tura"
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Logvinova Eugenie , Saint Petersburg

Photo: Evgenia Logvinova the Known Petersburg photographer Baranovsky Valentine let out an album "Nureev Rudolph. Last visit". The edition presented at exhibition of the same name, passing in the State museum of theatrical and musical art in Saint Petersburg. Both events are devoted to the 80 anniversary celebrated in this year since the birth of the great actor.

the Art critic Abyzova Larissa wrote

in the preface: "Nureev Rudolph was the cult dancer of the XX century, a deity of the world ballet, the myth, the favourite of the high society, the constant hero of society column. Such glory as at Nureev Rudolph, any other dancer for all history of existence of ballet art" did not know. Hundred black-and-white negatives and color slides (45 pictures are presented to expositions) became a result of hard two-week work in November of the 1989th when Nureev Rudolph arrived to Perestroika Saint Petersburg, invited by the chief ballet master of the Kirov theater Vinogradov Oleg, and performed James's part in the favourite ballet "Sylph". to Nureev Rudolph was 51 years. He endured recently loss of relatives, suffered from an incurable illness. Now even KGB which the actor was afraid all life, to it was indifferent. Nureev Rudolph arrived to say goodbye. With friends and city.

This pressing note became a keynote of an album of the known photographer in a theatrical circle. The professional journalist, Baranovsky Valentine graduated from the Leningrad university and long worked in "Agentstvo politicheskikh novostey". At the beginning of the 70th was fond of a stage. On materials of its photoarchive it is possible to write history of the Maryinsky Theater for the last 40 years. "Culture" has a talk with the artist.

Photo: Evgenia Logvinova

culture: you were a peculiar shadow Nureev Rudolph throughout its visit. Tell in more detail as everything occurred.
Baranovsky Valentine: At first an official meeting at JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "DISTRICT AEROPORT DISTRICT "PULKOVO": arrived as well the French consul with the wife. I — one of a huge great number of the reporters, directed to depict the ballet genius. Then did not suspect that it is necessary to carry out near this surprising person of the whole two weeks. As a result I managed to get permission to continuous maintenance Nureev Rudolph. It was difficult as behind it the suite constantly went: film group of TV channel "CNN" and crowd of people, among which — even the woman in a wheelchair.

Covered by three cameras, watched closely its rehearsals with the twenty-year-old partner Ayupova Jeanne. Campaign in the Hermitage, meetings with colleagues and friends, performance... Tried not to miss anything important.

I Remember

, at some instant my professional concentration was suddenly replaced by surprise. It occurred on rehearsal of "Sylph" which was carried out by Kurgapkina Ninel. I was captured absolutely by process: the artistic temperament and congenital drama talent Nureev Rudolph turned work on a role into incredibly emotional performance. Along with old friends of the master in a hall constantly were his former partner Kolpakova Irina and young actors: Ruzimatov Farukh, Aliev Eldar.

culture: It is known that critics of that time were dissatisfied with performance Nureev Rudolph. Pier, it cannot dance any more, and an applause belongs more to the past, than to the present.
Baranovsky Valentine: It absolutely not agrees! Leningrad residents accepted it fantastically: applause, armfuls of flowers. Whatever spoke, Nureev Rudolph was happy. Certificate to that my photos. It looked absolutely inspired when performed part. Ayupova Jeanne claimed later: Nureev Rudolph loaded with energy of unusual force, he even could hypnotize. The ballerina was shaken by partnership with the great actor, from it as she spoke as if the shine proceeded.

Photo: Evgenia Logvinova culture: you noticed how it is heavy to dancer to work? After all the state promptly worsened, it needed to live only three years.
Baranovsky Valentine: Yes, the master arrived with a sore foot, then on rehearsal tore a muscle on other foot. Thus constantly joked, all around smiled and enjoyed communication. Nureev Rudolph did not complain, collected will in a fist and rehearsed. I noticed nothing. I will tell frankly, about its illness learned only right at the end. Only now I see how there is a lot of suffering in its shape, especially in eyes. And still visit to Saint Petersburg was special. Before album preparation I went to Osipenko Alla , working with Nureev Rudolph in the Parisian Opera and all these years very close with it. Our feelings coincided. Osipenko Alla told: "I look at photos, at his face, and on this face as if is written: and I houses, and I houses... "

culture: whether there were with you special impressions about Nureev Rudolph as about the person?
Baranovsky Valentine: Me touched, with what love he bypassed places expensive to its heart. The dancer for a minute did not leave the camera. Wandered down the street the Architect Rossi, examining native walls of Vaganova school. During excursion found that place at the machine, its way to the world glory from where began. It was obviously touched. Here met the first partner on Kirovski great Dudinskaya Natalia and the teacher Serebrennikov Nicholas. All seemed very inspired. Nureev Rudolph distributed autographs.

culture: Visit of the actor to the Hermitage is somehow connected with his known passion to collecting?
Baranovsky Valentine: it is valid, Nureev Rudolph was considered as the fan of painting and well understood it, besides it possessed a huge fortune that allowed to create a collection. Osipenko Alla , often happening in its Parisian apartment on Voltaire Embankment, told: "Pictures from a floor to a ceiling, and ceilings under five meters". Therefore in the Hermitage Nureev Rudolph was especially brisk, talked to the art critic who has been specially put to us by Piotrovsky Boris much. The director of the museum and itself personally came to welcome the well-known guest. It is remarkable that the master demanded to see off him to Rembrandt. Similar gesture looked symbolical, after all the great dancer — in own way prodigal son. Nureev Rudolph always put on very imposingly, loved headdresses, shoulders covered with palatines. Felt in magnificent palace halls "like a duck to water" and willingly posed at a portrait Blagochestivy Heinrich and against ancient gobelins.

culture: Among your photos there are even shots from the grimuborny...
Baranovsky Valentine: This behind the scenes, inner sanctum of the actor. To get there it is difficult. Exactly here it becomes clear, what price of birth of a magic miracle of performance. After all hidden from our eyes not always it is romantic. The feet rubbed to blood callosities, deadly fatigue of exhausting rehearsals. In my archive there are a lot of the photos showing how the destiny of the ballet dancer is dramatic.

However, to Nureev Rudolph the attention then was great: it could not relax, probably, even in a make-up room. Not I one haunted it. However the well-known guest as it seems to me, and did not want that for him felt sorry. Friends Nureev Rudolph pretended as if do not know, in what it a state.

culture: Recently to life of the violent Tatar address at theater and cinema. What your relation to biographic works, in particular to the performance "Nureev" on a scene of the Bolshoi theater?
Baranovsky Valentine: This statement yet did not see, but it is absolutely sure: it is time to pay a tribute of respect to the ingenious actor at it in the homeland from which history it was so long deleted.

Boris Mikhaylovich Piotrovsky
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Mariinsk city theater
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