The difficult situation at combined heat and power plant set the tone for preparation for a new heating season in Birobidzhan

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Preparation for a new heating season discussed in the city hall Birobidzhan. Photo: The press service of the city hall Birobidzhan
the City authorities take on control carrying out repair work on the central boiler room and pipelines (PHOTO) to

on February 9, Regionalnoye information company EAOmedia. the Mayor Birobidzhan Eugenie Korostelev held the first meeting of a staff at which spoke about preparation for the new heating period. Participants discussed a difficult situation which developed at the Birobidzhan combined heat and power plant. As the town governor declared, the staff will watch a course of repair work on the main boiler room, the adviser to the mayor Vashchenko Darya reported EAOMedia .

Evgeny Korostelev

Eugenie Korostelev. Photo: The press service of the city hall Birobidzhan

At meeting were present the first deputy mayor of the regional center Pivenko Andrey, the chief of Housing & communal services administration City administration Bylinkin Pawel, representatives of the Birobidzhan combined heat and power plant, JSC DGK, "DRSK" JSC <0> , JSC DEK branch Open joint-stock company "Dalnevostochnaya energeticheskaya kompaniya" — "EAO Energosbyt", Municipal unitary enterprise "Water services company", Municipal unitary enterprise "Gorodskie heating networks", State enterprise Jewish Autonomous oblast "Oblenergoremont".

— This heating season was given difficult for Birobidzhan — Eugenie Korostelev speaks. – Throughout all autumn and winter period at the Birobidzhan combined heat and power plant there were accidents, coppers failed. In apartments of citizens, kindergartens, schools and on socially significant objects the standard temperature mode was not observed. To the city hall a large number of complaints from residents of Birobidzhan on bad quality of hot water arrived. In the city hall of Birobidzhan the staff to preparation for a new heating season works every summer. But because on BTETs there were accidents, the decision to hold such meetings already now was made. The staff will watch work of a city heating plant, and also to control preparation for the heating period 2018-2019, what points is carried out and where there are problems.

the Representative of the Birobidzhan combined heat and power plant reported on colleagues on how affairs on the main city stokehole now are. Besides, assured that already today have to put in a reserve a copper No. 5 which at last power engineering specialists repaired.

Preparation for a new heating season discussed in the city hall of Birobidzhan

Preparation for a new heating season were discussed in the city hall by Birobidzhan. Photo: The press service of the city hall Birobidzhan

— Colleagues, for ensuring uninterrupted passing of the heating period of 2018-2019 it is necessary to execute large volume of additional repair work — Eugenie Korostelev noted. – Recently passed meeting with the governor of Jewish Autonomous region Alexander Levintal on whom the head of JSC DGK assured that means initially put for planned works will be increased several times. Also it was sounded, what types of works will be made, beginning from repairs coppers and the service equipment to a turn of high-level networks of a heat supply. All of them will be included in the DGK.<"53>" program

The mayor of Birobidzhan noted an intense situation at combined heat and power plant

the Mayor Birobidzhan noted an intense situation at combined heat and power plant. Photo: The press service of the city hall

Participants of meeting also told Birobidzhan kotloagregatov which are planned for this year, will allow to reduce dust and pyleparovy emissions. Besides, emissions which come today from a pipe will be minimized.

Preparation for a new heating season were discussed in the city hall by Birobidzhan. Photo: The press service of the city hall of Birobidzhan

Podgotovku to a new heating season discussed in the city hall Birobidzhan. Photo: The press service of the city hall of Birobidzhan

Podgotovku to a new heating season discussed in the city hall Birobidzhan. Photo: The press service of the city hall of Birobidzhan


To the following meeting of a staff the management of the Birobidzhan combined heat and power plant has to provide to

this summer
Darya Vashchenko
Last position: The adviser to the mayor concerning interaction from media
Andrey Pivenko
Main activity:Official
Pavel Bylinkin
Last position: First deputy head, chief (Housing & communal services administration mayor's office cities)
Eugenie Korostelev
Last position: CEO (LLC "TSET")
Alexander Levintal
Main activity:Politician
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water