Dobuzhinsky Mstislav — a symbol Vilnius and Saint Petersburg
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Dobuzhinsky — a symbol of Vilnius and Petersburg

«Dobuzhinsky Mstislav — symbol Vilnius and Saint Petersburg, left these cozy recesses and court yard of the great cities — Daynyus Numgaudis, the consul general told us at opening of exhibitions Lithuania in Saint Petersburg. — It seems that we catch smells from open window leaves. This exhibition arrived to the city of glory and prosperity Dobuzhinsky Mstislav from the earth of his ancestors. Dobuzhinsky Mstislav personifies the most difficult way of many creative people of the twentieth century".

Vilnius and Kaunas, Klaipeda, Ukmyarge, Marijampole, Alytus, Prienai, gorod Seda, Shakenay, Alsedzhyay … Small streets, court yard, markets, old walls. Really, here they — open window leaves. Synagogues, churches and churches, well-known Lithuanian crosses. Manors, old gate, roofs of towns and the sky over them.

"In Vilna the old times as though embraced me, and I lived among the different legends connected with the city … Absorbing in itself all various impressions of old times and admiring it, I is imperceptible for itself as though studied architecture and styles. The majority of graceful and graceful vilensky churches was constructed in the XVIII century, and spirit of this eyelid to me allowed to learn for the first time exactly here. And not only it. In Wag stratifications of several eras collected: was both a gothic style, and heavy baroque, and classics. I began to notice greatness of architectural proportions, charm of the empty planes and, the main thing, I started feeling architecture poetry" — the artist wrote.

Lithuania became for Dobuzhinsky Mstislav both children's memoirs and a rescue place: in 1924 with assistance of Baltrushaytis Yurgis Dobuzhinsky Mstislav leaves Russian Federation forever. Here at exhibition the first exhibit — its international passport …

the Well-known miriskusnik lives in Lithuania until the end of the thirtieth. It works hard for theater. becomes the art director of the Lithuanian State theater in Kaunas. At exhibition in Sheremetevskom — sketches of scenery, suits to the most different statements of world classics, Russian. "Emigrants brushed away a tear at theater "— the consul Numgaudis told at opening of exhibitions. Yes, probably, and frankly cried when saw such familiar, but and you watch an unattainable landscape when you stand at the Hermitage at the embankment of the Winter flute directly at that coast of Neva, at a gold needle of fortress. Tchaikovsky, "Queen of spades". Forever the lost Saint Petersburg.


«Ya it was familiar with the son Dobuzhinsky Mstislav, and at him was works and about Lithuania much, and he dreamed that they returned to Lithuania. — told at opening of exhibitions Natatlya the Blizzard, the director of the Theatrical museum — the music museum. And a week ago we received as a present from Lobanova Natalia - Rostov a portrait Dobuzhinsky Mstislav works Benot Alexander, a water color, where Dobuzhinsky Mstislav on the bank of Lake Geneva. In the late thirties past eyelid. Our donator did not know that in the Sheremetevsky palace exhibition "Lithuania Mstislav Dobuzhinsky" opens, we wanted to show a portrait on an opening day, but thought that we will show in a week — it becomes one more event".

… In 1908 Dobuzhinsky Mstislav in Saint Petersburg anticipated a meeting with Mikaloyus Konstantinas Chyurlenis: "Before Chyurlenis's arrival to Saint Petersburg I received from Vilnius news that there was the artist, representing paints musical subjects. In particular that it as spoke, represented any fantastic Lithuania intrigued me. I came every year in I Will wag and knew about arising movement of the Lithuanian intellectuals. Nevertheless "face" Lithuania remained for me mysterious and poetical, hidden in dense fog, and in Chyurlenis's appearance I hoped to see any gleam". Dobuzhinsky Mstislav received the guest from Lithuania so warmly that timid Chyurlenis by the nature soon felt at it as at home. Dobuzhinsky Mstislav acquainted the Lithuanian artist and the composer with the colleagues-miriskusnikami, the "Salon" strove on the device of an exposition of 125 of his pictures within collective exhibitions, to the first reported to Lithuania about an approaching mental disorder of the friend.

on February 10 at 13 o'clock within exhibitions Osvaldas Daugyalis, the director of the National art museum of a name M. To. Chyurlenis Dobuzhinsky Mstislav, Mikaloyus Konstantinas Chyurlenis and the National art museum of M. K. Chyurlenis in Kaunas" will read lecture ".

Dobuzhinsky Mstislav
Vasilyeva Alexandra
Baltrushaytis Yurgis
Lobanova Natalia
Benot Alexander