"I would not go …". The Olympic champion Sydney about Games in Pyeongchang

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The champion of the book of Ginness by quantity of medals of the World Cups, the glorified batutist Moskalenko Alexander Nikolaevich told about, whether ours should go on the Olympic Games that the athlete when after a victory his honor does not play the anthem of the native land feels.

    Rekordsmen of the book of Ginness by quantity of medals of the World Cups, the glorified batutist Moskalenko Alexander Nikolaevich about, whether ours it is worth going on the Olympic Games that the athlete when after a victory his honor does not play the anthem of the native land why conversations on injustice should be replaced with real affairs and many other feels.

    Private matter

    Ponomarev Fedor: Moskalenko Alexander Nikolaevich, soon the winter Olympic Games before which Agency) and International Olympic Committee) was made by all to soil in dirt of the Russian athletes. Many in the country argue - and whether it is worth going to Pyeongchang in general?

    of the Photo: From personal archive / Moskalenko Alexander Nikolaevich

    Moskalenko Alexander Nikolaevich: In my opinion, the most important - it is impossible to forbid to go on the Olympic Games. If you feel in yourself forces, it is ready to fight, win - go, prove, gnaw a victory teeth. However, where a guarantee, what will not take away a victory from you later? You do not feel - it is not necessary because will simply crush. "To go or not to go" - a question difficult, very personal, a question of the relation of each person to itself and the state. And I do not undertake to be here the judge - ungrateful this business. Even an act Matrosov Alexander Nikolaevich which a breast closed an embrasure, people estimate differently. Matrosov Alexander Nikolaevich made the decision, closed itself a machine gun - than rescued companions and provided advance forward. And another, maybe, will sit out, will think: "And what sense from my death - I will survive and then I will show all of them". And it too position.

    - it is good and if the similar story happened in 2000 when you specially returned to sports for participation in the Olympic Games, long prepared, dumped 20 kilograms and were the main applicant for a victory, as though arrived? Thought of it?

    - Yes, put itself to the place of present athletes - I would not go. But I can be responsible only for myself. I will repeat, it is very difficult choice. Though I do not understand when speak: "It prepared four years for the Games, all life trained". But why all forget that all this time cared of the athlete the state - it paid salary to it, to the trainer, bought stock, treated, etc. And when there comes the moment X, the athlete remembers only the contribution. But, I will repeat, I do not undertake to judge. Olga Graf, for example, does not go, and this her decision.

    Alexander Nikolaevich Moskalenko was born

    Moskalenko Alexander Nikolaevich. The first Olympic champion in trampolining, is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the greatest number of gold medals of the World Cups - on the account Moskalenko Alexander Nikolaevich 14 gold awards. Now heads STATE-FINANCED INSTITUTION OF PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION FINISHING WORKS ADMINISTRATION.
    - And someone else hopes for the invitation …

    - I at all do not understand this formulation: "Received invitations International Olympic Committee on Games". Nobody invited me regulations of hit to the Olympic Games, and I achieved the right to act there. Won the World Cup, having won a quota for the country, and following the results of internal selection took this place. And conversations about invited / did not invite unclear - show this invitation, I want to look though as it looks.

    - In 1992 in Barcelona athletes from the former Soviet Union acted in structure "Integrated team" - flying the flag with five rings and without anthem. And what feelings when you win, and the anthem of the native land does not sound?

    is, of course, strongly influences the athlete. Yes, in case of a victory there is a satisfaction from the performed work - not to take away it. But completeness of victorious feelings is not present. In Barcelona our team was under an unclear flag and, for example, the Georgian fighter Khabelov Leri came for rewarding with Georgian.

    trampled the Olympic principles


    - there is such feeling that the decisions International Olympic Committee digs in themselves - after all it is so possible any athletes, any country to discharge without explanations.

    - And many already understood it - the same Marten Furkad, the Swedish skiers and others. For example, Pikhler Wolfgang whom too discharged of the Olympic Games, now works in the national team Sweden. People understand that tomorrow and to them can tell: "Went from here". The basic principles of the Olympic Movement are trampled. But at the same time to sit and klatsat language supposedly as it everything is unfair and wrong, probably, not the best way.

    Cannot disqualify for life the person only that someone scratched a test tube about his breakdown.

    - And it can be the beginning of the end of the Olympic Movement, in any case, in its present look?

    - In a modern look and, everything approaches a decline - to whom such Games are necessary? At me, the word of honor, any interest it was not necessary to watch them. At the same time we, our country, have to offer new model - anybody for us will not make it. What this model has to be - it is necessary to discuss. Offhand, it is necessary to clean therapeutic exceptions - if you are ill, recover, and then come to the Olympic family. To clean a 8-year period of storage of doping tests - where they are stored how them transport who has to them an access? It is impossible to disqualify for life the person only that someone scratched a test tube about his breakdown. Questions one million. It seems to me, we have to tell: "It is bad, let's do in a new way". But it is necessary to criticize not simply, and to offer the option.

    - After the boycotted Olympic Games-1984 USSR went on following, and what chances that the situation will shortly calm down and everything will return into place. Now falling depth maximum - is no place to quarrel more?

    - I do not consider that we now in the lowest point is an intermediate position and nobody will give up on the position. Earlier International Olympic Committee that otbrykatsya from decision-making - anybody does not want to be the grave-digger of the Olympic Movement - was lowered by everything on a payoff to sports federations. I am afraid that against prolonged nonsense of federation will begin to make the same absurd decisions. Do not forget that this year still the junior Olympic Games in Argentina, in the following - the selection beginning on 2020 Summer Olympics. Silly to count that on South Korea everything will end. No, I think, will proceed further. The decision on interaction about Agency is not present and is not expected, a situation with RUSSIAN ANTI-DOPING AGENCY "RUSADA" (The Russian anti-doping agency) in general the unclear - anybody did not accredit it, did not authorize. And anybody has no answers. And we do nothing in the protection, except words: "It is dishonest, let's the letter write". And what further? I feel sincerely sorry for the children who have got between two fires of political sports or sports policy - it is possible to call both so, and so. Work, trainers, doctors, massage therapists, parents, acquaintances, fans is a pity for them. For example, the world champion in hurdling Shubenkov Sergei could not go to the Olympic Games Rio being the leader of a season, and in 1984 his mother did not get on the Olympic Games to Los Angeles because of boycott - God forbid such to everyone.

    Why we are silent?

    - are Somewhat guilty in the events and our sports officials who were silent more than two years in a rag though promised athletes and the help with vessels, and still there is a lot of that.

    - And who went to court? Anybody. It is clear that money on legal trials at athletes is not present. But to us said, what the state will help, will take part - show though one to whom helped? Yes, our oarsman Dyachenko Alexander gave to court, but it was helped by friends, they chipped in together for the lawyer. And help of the state where? We forget that partly are guilty - we do not protect the athletes, the state, only we sit supposedly "wrote letters, let's wait". And for that to wait? Trouble that now International Olympic Committee, Agency do not find time to prove wine any more. And it occurs because we continue to speak: "Ah, as ugly you with us arrived, now we will answer". But once did not answer, two, three - and anybody already does not pay attention to words. And except conversations and declarations it is necessary to do something. Though there would be no happiness and the misfortune helped - against all these scandals we saw, what place sports take in society life. Now it not simply slogan "Quicker. Above. More strongly", and ideology, national pride, nation health, etc. And reaction of the audience at movie theater on the movie "Movement Up" only confirms this tendency. But at the same time the power calls sports by branch, and treats it by the residual principle. For example, in Soviet Union sports doctors were trained by the only higher education institution in Tartu, after collapse of the USSR it remained to Estonia, and the at us did not appear. You represent if we quarter of the century did not train ophthalmologists, what at us with sight would be?

    Marten Furkad
    Main activity:Athlete
    Sergei Shubenkov
    Last position: The professional athlete on easily athletics
    Moskalenko Alexander Nikolaevich
    Ponomarev Fedor
    Main activity:Culture and sports
    Olympic reserve school