Five-day stock of provisions delivered starving in Vladivostok to crew of the North Korean ferry

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Vladivostok. February 8. INTERFAX - the FAR EAST - the ManGyongBong ferry Company operator (North Korea) delivered aboard a vessel food party - earlier seamen who wait for more than a week statement to the mooring, complained of lack of food.


"Half an hour ago to the ferry food delivered. It is rice, beef, pork, potato, cabbage, oil, bread, soy sauce, spices and others products. To thirty crew members of it will suffice for five days", - reported to agency" information agency "Interfaks" - Far East" Baranov Vladimir, general director the Russian companies "Investstroytrest" who is the operator of the North Korean ferry.


As it was reported, the captain of the ManGyongBong ferry which North Korea goes flying the flag, in a week gave an emergency signal twice: at first because of the ended fuel, products came to an end then. The vessel had to moor in port Vladivostok at the end of January, but the customs had a suspicion that on its board there is a sanctions freight. Information was transferred to the captain of port, and that forbade mooring.

according to the company operator, on the ferry in containers of sterns for animals which has no restrictions for import. Baranov Vladimir declared readiness a tax in court on a ban of statement of a vessel in port. He also noted that the ferry will not leave from Vladivostok as has to take away 47 tons of soy oil for deliveries in North Korean Radzhin.

In turn the acting as the first deputy of the Vladivostok customs Shapoval Andrey told

to journalists on Thursday that the carrier submitted the counterfeit certificate on freight.
