Modernization of thermal generation will provide long-term reliability of power industry

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on February 7. Moscow – Within a Week the Russian businesses RSPP the Round table "Prospects of developments power engineering specialists took place: Steady trends", RSPP on power policy and energy efficiencies together with ASSOCIATION "SOVET PROIZVODITELEY ENERGII", on February 6 in Moscow. Participants noted importance of the program of modernization of thermal generation.

the Deputy minister of economic development Russian Federation Mikhail Rasstrigin explained that the main part of available objects of generation (especially thermal) was entered into the period about 1964-88, the average wear of thermal power plant makes 69%. "Without attraction of investments wear of generating objects will increase that will lead to serious restrictions in quality and reliability warm and power supply consumers", - Mikhail Rasstrigin considers.

the Chairman of the Supervisory board of ASSOCIATION "SOVET PROIZVODITELEY ENERGII" Panin Alexander in the report told that real rates of modernization during 2012-2016 averaged 0,5 GW a year, thus updating of 40 GW of outdated park of the equipment in these conditions requires about 80 years.

"Modernization is the cheapest and rather fast way of updating of capacities Russian Federation Power and electrification open joint-stock company "YEES Russia" and ensuring requirement for the electric power in medium-term prospect", - is sure Panin Alexander.

the Deputy head Federal Antimonopoly Service Vitaly Korolev reminded that the decision on carrying out modernization is made by President of the Russian Federation. Vitaly Korolev paid attention that "it is necessary to provide competition of carrying out selection of objects for modernization, efficiency of investments and an assessment of total result of improvement of essential characteristics of the operative equipment".

the Chairman of the board of ASSOCIATION "NP SOVET MARKET" Maxime Bystrov emphasized that "the thermal power therefore, first of all, it is necessary to think of its interests and its opportunities" remains a basis of generation and, therefore, the main recipient of funds for modernization to Russian Federation in the near future.

the Director general PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "FORTUM" Alexander Chuvaev considers that "transition to a six-year LUMP will give the chance to operate risk of deficiency of power therefore it is rational not to carry out modernization to the relation of all equipment in a row". "For example, it is unreasonable to give expensive DPM to those who and so successfully works in the competitive market, and also that whom, according to the System operator, it is possible to take simply out of service or to preserve", - Chuvaev A. told.

"Now it is a question of start of new investment process which will allow to provide long-term reliability in power industry, to create a powerful source of economic growth, to make it in the most optimum way, creating the smallest possible load of the consumer", - the Chairman of the board - Director general noted JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "SUEK" Vladimir Rashevsky.

"I consider that if we will not start operating branch modernization, it very quickly will start operating us, - the Chairman declared Boards of directors JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROTEK" Lifshits Mikhail , - And in the second case the sum of necessary funds for it will be much higher discussed today. Therefore "DPM-2" is predetermined. When developing its regulatory base it is necessary to consider and our experiment on "DPM-1", and experience of the European colleagues"

"Regardless of the one who subsidizes the modernization program – consumers or the state - allocated funds have to work to the maximum to Russian Federation, and for this purpose it is necessary to formulate distinctly requirements to an equipment origin", - Lifshits M. noted.

the Director of the department of machine-tool construction and investment mechanical engineering Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Ivanov Mikhail is sure by

that when carrying out modernization it is necessary to provide the requirement for localization. "It would be expedient to prepare standard decisions when carrying out modernization that would allow to lower costs at implementation of projects", - Ivanov Mikhail told.

the Managing partner of VEGAS LEX Sitnikov Alexander is sure by

that "for involvement of investors it is necessary to resume use of the DPM mechanism which well proved as the stable legal design not subject to risks of change by regulators or refusal of performance of obligations by suppliers and consumers".

In Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, with involvement of leading experts of branch, began work on discussion of the basic principles of the competitive mechanism of selection of projects of reconstruction (modernization, modernization) thermal power plants.

the mechanism similar to the existing DPM program which actually assumes investment of capital of investors in the modernization program with the subsequent their return during the term coordinated by the state after input of objects in operation Is offered to use

. It is thus considered that after 2021 decrease in payments consumers on the first wave of contracts will begin DPM thermal power plant (according to Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, from 2021 to 2030 decrease in payments will make about 130-250 billion rubles a year). It will allow, including, to realize a new investment cycle, without having exceeded rates of inflation of growth of payments consumers for the electric power.

Also possible source of funds for modernization of the generating equipment can become competitive selection of power in case of its adjustment regarding increase in term of signed contracts from 4 to 6 years and change of borders of price bands for the corresponding period for the accounting of an investment component.

the Deputy Minister of Energy Russian Federation Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich Kravchenko noted that "when carrying out modernization it is necessary to try to do everything according to plan and to try to avoid essential jumps of the price, the offered model completely answers it".

Representatives of large consumers of electric energy divide concern Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation about high wear of the generating equipment and understand importance of detailed study of parameters of modernization of the generating equipment.

Discussion showed that establishment of requirements for equipment localization when carrying out the program of modernization of the generating equipment will have positive impact on developments domestic engineering industry.

the Generating companies are ready to carry out

necessary for modernization of the equipment of investments, in the presence of transparent long-term guarantees of their return.

of Presentation:

Andronov Mikhail , President LLC "RUSENERGOSBYT"

Maxime Bystrov, Chairman of the board of ASSOCIATION "NP SOVET MARKET"

Alexander Chuvaev, Director general PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "FORTUM"


Lifshits Mikhail , Chairman Boards of directors JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROTEK"

Panin Alexander Gennadyevna, Chairman of the Supervisory board of ASSOCIATION "SOVET PROIZVODITELEY ENERGII"

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