"Dangerous cruise" or Who "sewed" the old woman

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do not hurry to criticize the chiefs! Here, for example, the heroine of the movie "Dangerous Cruise" was convinced, what even the severe and unpleasant chief can become a knight.

Watch a premiere of the detective on TV channel "TVTS" on Friday, February 9, at 17:35.

About what the movie?

the Manager to Rakitina Lika (Tarasova Catherina) unfairly dismiss. Having learned that her haughty and extremely unpleasant chief Shelest (Baturin Youri) goes to romantic cruise to Valaam, Rakitina Lika goes after it, despite fear of ship rolling. She is sure that during cruise will be able to convince the chief to change the decision. She manages to force the loved chief (Mikhaylova Olga) to be jealous, and at the last minute the eccentrical girl runs from the Rustle, having left it by the ship of one. And Rakitina Lika in the first evening on dances meets the charming writer Yaroslav (Ratnikov Alexander). However cheerfully spent evening for the girl comes to an end with state of emergency: having returned to a cabin, Rakitina Lika finds the neigbour, the old woman Kuzmina (Lozhkina Helena), dead. In Rakitina Lika find the used syringe, and Rakitina Lika it appears the main suspect in murder. But soon under suspicion the young loving couple - Simona (Fominykh Ian) and Vlad (Kopylov Aleksey), and also the Rustle … gets also.

As you the boat will designate …

- the Heroine of the movie gets to an absurd situation: it goes to cruise to solve one problem, but receives charge of murder! - the director Averin Dimitri speaks. - This detective story is developed round death of the old woman which causes at once many questions: who killed her? To whom was her death favorable? And why somebody substitutes Rakitina Lika, having thrown it a syringe? Well, and still this history that the strict and boring chief, having appeared in an extreme situation, can prove the hero and the knight.

the Movie removed under the working name "Improbable Cruise". To replace the name with operating time over the project was the conscious decision of founders. The matter is that during loading of a film crew on the ship there was a tragic event - exactly, as in the movie scenario … Landing detained at six o'clock. Here then, having remembered expression "Ship will sail the way you name it", decided to replace the word "dangerous" with "improbable".


It is expensive to Valaam


- we had no mass meeting, in many scenes the real tourists - passengers of the motor ship acted, - the director remembers. - As rather long swimming, and a route from Moscow through Valaam to Saint Petersburg was necessary to us took six days, passengers of the Two Capitals motor ship in breaks between excursions with pleasure participated in our shootings. Someone even received roles with the text. By the way, the vessel name later on graphics replaced with "Yaroslavn".

Shot a picture in August, 2017 in Saint Petersburg, on the rivers on the way from Moscow to Saint Petersburg, and also on the Valaam archipelago where the film crew went separate expedition.

- On a plot on the island neighboring to the archipelago there lives the aged man Ambrose (Orlov Youri ), - Averin Dimitri continues. - With it, very important events occur Darya Petrovna (Bokashevskaya Galina) and other heroes of the movie. Part of nature removed in Valaam. In operating time learned that from 80th years of the last century we were the first to whom allowed to shoot game film in this historical place. Pilgrim service, having read our scenario, made for us an exception and even then advised, gave texts of prayers which are said in a shot by the hero Orlov Youri . It is necessary to tell that at Orlov Youri the grandfather was a priest, and the actor of old school was trained for shooting thoroughly. It came to a platform with the requisite - old beads and the prayer book in old Slavic language. It could also with a beard to grow hair for an image of the aged man, but was not in time to shootings. So vegetation on the head of the actor - the consignment note. (Smiles).


, voice!

the Monastery and an izba of the aged man Ambrose were removed in the north by Saint Petersburg, near Ozerki's historical region.

- So turned out that deer who got to a shot, became part of a landscape, - the director smiles. - These manual animals often act in at film. However to operate them for shootings we and did not think. Though every time when during a double the animal appeared in a shot, we rejoiced. And here the dog of the aged man was played by the beauty by nickname Becky - in honor of the girlfriend Soyer Tom it were called by the owner and in combination our director of the movie. I do not know that became remuneration for the four-footed actress for professionally played role, but pogavkala Becky "with all the heart" - is exactly so much, how many it was necessary.

Battalov Bernar

Youri Orlov
Rakitina Lika
Tarasova Catherina
Baturin Youri