In Volgograd the former judge who has unintentionally shot the friend, is punished by corrective works

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In Volgograd the former judge who has unintentionally shot the friend, is punished by corrective works

He received 1 year 4 months of works, the man admitted the guilt.

Volgograd court pronounced to

B Volgograd District court of the Gorodovikovsk district of the Republic of Kalmykia. He is found guilty that on imprudence killed the friend.


– by the Consequence and court it was established that in June, 2016 accused together with the friends arrived to Volgograd region to have a rest on the river bank Don, – Kunitskaya Natalia commented on of City Messages news agency the senior assistant administrator of SU of SKR on the region . – The man had a carbine. In the evening on June 28 it unintentionally shot from it, the bullet got 46-letenmu to the inhabitant Stavropol territory, to the friend of the judge, to buttock area. The victim at once took to hospital where he died.

as a result to the ex-judge appointed punishment in the form of corrective works for the term of 1 year and 4 months. The state charge was held by prosecutor's office Serafimovich district.

the defendant completely admitted the guilt.