Representatives of the head of administration of the Shelkovsky municipal area took part in evening of questions and answers

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For implementation of the indication of Chapter Chechen Republic from 14.02.2013g. "The uniform concept of spiritual and moral education and developments younger generation Chechen Republic", and also for increase of efficiency of the solution of questions of the labor and household device condemned being released from FKU IK-2, the schedule of visit of representatives of local governments Chechen Republic with condemned, containing in FKU IK-2 is made.

So in a corrective colony No. 2 under the leadership of the senior specialist of group of social protection condemned together with the staff of Educational department, organized and held a meeting condemned, living in Shelkovskaya district with representatives of Administration of the municipal district of Shelkovsk of the Chechen Republic:

- Yusupov M. Yu.

- Idalov M. B. - the chief specialist on interaction with law enforcement agencies of administration;

- Kusaev N. M. – Kadiya's deputy Shelkovskaya district ChR;


the Main objective of conversation became an explanation of the contents carried out by the state and penal system of social policy concerning condemned and informing on various questions.

during the meeting, condemned the questions concerning an order of registration of housing needing in receiving or improvement of living conditions interested:

- the condemned Batakov O. A.

- the condemned Salamgiriev V. A.

Deputy head of administration of the Shelkovsky municipal area Yusupov M. Yu.

Yusupov M. Yu.
Idalov M. B.
Kusaev N. M.
Batakov O. A.
Salamgiriev V. A.