To work well-coordinated and it is effective

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O volume as the region copes with difficult weather conditions, there was a speech yesterday at weekly operational meeting which was held by the first deputy of chapter Administration of Lipetsk region Bozhko Youri Nikolaevich. "All services of life support have to work well-coordinated as much as possible and effectively" — Bozhko Youri Nikolaevich told.

Chiefs of regional governments of roads and transports Yelfimov Valery, power and tariffs Sokovykh Albert reported that the road situation and power supply are on continuous control. Chapter Lipetsk Sergei Ivanov noted that in the regional center during a rain roofs to eight addresses leaked, rushes patched, now these houses will include in the schedule repairs out of turn. Besides, it is entrusted to municipal services to speed up work on clearing of the yards.

Also on a RAM told about seasonal diseases – while indicators on ORVI are lower epidporoga. Nevertheless study in several classes as in Lipetsk, and regions of area is suspended.