The greatest adventure in human life: 7 stories of space tourists

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Space tourism is unique: this visa-free travel with the most strict in the world customs rules, but attractive for everyone. Any person can see an arrival place, having simply approached to a window, but units are able to afford to go there . The richest people in the world leave the sums of $20, $30, $40 million for the sake of several days in space. Meanwhile as tourists the orbit was visited by only 7 people, each of them flied with the Russian crews through the intermediary company Space Adventures . In more detail about these pioneers read below.

Dennis Anthony Tito Dennis

flight Price: $20 million
of Date of flight: On April 28 — on May 6, 2001

on April 28, 2001 the first space tourist Tito Dennis.

Dennis Anthony Tito Dennis was elderly. He was born on August 8, 1940 New York in a family of poor Italian emigrants. It founded own company Wilshire Associates, grew rich, went in for ecology, his life was similar to the harmonious mechanism, and he wanted something bigger — having learned about opportunity to visit the Mir Space Station as the tourist, submitted an application to Federal Space Agency.

Preparation for flight proceeded nearly 8 months. Tito Dennis stayed in space of 7 days 22 hours and 4 minutes. Despite comprehensive preparation, he nevertheless tested two unpleasant moments: small heart troubles during start, and in an orbit, without having calculated own trajectory in zero gravity, seated skin on the head, having hit about the hatch. Despite these trifles, Tito Dennis was delighted with flight.


"This greatest adventure in my life — were told by him, having returned. — I visited heavens and soared as an angel, looking down at Earth. Knew that it will be a risky adventure, and prepared for tests. However all six days I tested euphoria".

Shattlvort Mark Shattlvort Richard

flight Price: $20 million
of Date of flight: On April 25 — on May 5, 2002

Shattlvort Mark was born

(South Africa). His father was a surgeon, and mother — the teacher of kindergarten. Thirst for innovative technologies allowed the guy to finish study at University Cape Town, having received degree of the bachelor in the field of finance and innovative technologies. In 1995 Shattlvort Mark founds company Thawte, and 10 years later — Ubuntu Foundation fund. Since 2005 Impi Linux owns a controlling stake of companies.

Tito Dennis, the first space tourist, Shattlvort Mark decides to arrive as. The dream of the 28-year-old South African businessman was achieved after application in Space Adventures.

Preparation lasted nearly a year. Shattlvort Mark had to spend seven months in the Star city. The going into orbit was carried out by the ship "TM-34 Union". Shattlvort Mark stayed in space of 9 days 21 hours and 25 minutes. At ISS station he participated in experiments on genome and AIDS research. On May 5, 2002 Shattlvort Mark returned to Earth then became the national hero to South Africa.

"Flight in space? Yes, it very strongly changes the relation to life. It is impossible to see Earth from space and not to remain deeply impressed with beauty of the moment …" — so Shattlvort Mark answered a question that changed in it flight in space.

Khemmond Gregory Olsen Gregory

flight Price: $20 million
of Date of flight: On October 1 — on October 11, 2005

Olsen Gregory (at the left)

Olsen Gregory was born

(United States of America). In 1962 Olsen Gregory Ridzhfild Parka left secondary school. From this point it simply could not stop — thirst for knowledge for Olsen Gregory was compare to drug. He received some baccalaureate degrees, degree of the doctor and work as the scientist at University Port Elizabeth (South Africa). From 1972 to 1983 grew up crystals, working for company RCA, and in 1984 founded own company EPITAXX Inc which specialized on production fiber sensors and radiators. Thanks to it Olsen Gregory became a millionaire.

Olsen Gregory planned long ago flight in space therefore for two years, with a certain frequency, trained with the Russian astronauts in the Star city. Some problems with health were the reasons of an unplanned stitching of its flight in space. Flight at last took place on October 1, 2005.

Staying on ISS, Olsen Gregory not only had a good time and enjoyed a type of stars and planets: it carried out a number of own experiments on remote sensing and astronomy, and also studied mutations of microorganisms in the conditions of zero gravity. The scientist returned to Earth on October 11, 2005, having stayed in space of 9 days 21 hours and 15 minutes.

"I like to be, swim here in zero gravity" — Olsen Gregory on e-mail of agency of information agency "Associated Press" wrote, staying on ISS. By the way, the scientist does not like to call himself the third space tourist, preferring other name — "the first private researcher".

Ansari Anusha

flight Price: $20 million
of Date of flight: On September 18 — on September 29, 2006

Ansari Anusha became the space tourist first in the history among women.

Ansari Anusha was born on September 12, 1966 in Mashhad, Iran. The girl spent the childhood and youth in Tehran where her parents moved. In 1984 Ansari Anusha leaves for study to United States of America. She receives degree of the bachelor on informatics and electronics, and later – degree of the master in the same disciplines. In 1993 Ansari Anusha and her brother found company Telecom Technologies, Inc which makes for them multimillion profit.

Ansari Anusha was the doubler of the Japanese millionaire Enomoto Daysuke who had to become the fourth space tourist, but on August 21, 2006 his candidacy was withdrawn because of problems with health. In space Ansari Anusha stayed nearly 12 days and was engaged in research of influence of radiation and zero gravity on crew members and microorganisms. To Earth the space tourist returned on September 29, 2006.

Charles Simoni

flight Price: $25 million %2B $35 million
of Date of flight: On April 7 — on April 21, 2007 and on March 26 — on April 7, 2009

Charles Simoni made


Charles was born on September 10, 1948 in Budapest (Hungary). In 1966 moved from Hungary to Denmark, and in 1968 left for study to United States of America where obtained nationality and remained to live. Since 1981 worked in Microsoft COR, but in 2002 left it and founded company Intentional Software Corporation.

B of Simoni decided to go 2006 to space and signed contract with Space Adventures, Ltd. Having passed all necessary medical examinations, Charles began training in the Star city in September, 2006, and on April 7, 2007 it departed. The businessman stayed in space of 15 days and returned to Earth on April 21, 2007. The second weeds Simoni took place on March 26, 2009 and lasted 14 days.

"I without questions would spend month on ISS, to spend half a year at station, I think, at me it would not turn out — such long term requires good preparation. I executed the space program completely: took part in experiments, helped the main crew, thanks to it they had free time. It is a pity only that on ISS there is no sauna as it was at Mir station", – commented on the first Charles Simoni weeds.

Allan Richard Gerriot Richard

flight Price: $30 million
of Date of flight: On October 12 — on October 23, 2008

Allan Richard was born

). His father worked as the researcher and the astronaut, and mother was an artist. Allan Richard to United States of America where got education grew up. Study was given to the guy hardly as being still the school student, he created small video games for "Apple Inc. II" and distributed them to friends, and in 1979 wrote the first game. Today Gerriot Richard is one of the most popular developers of video games.

Dream Gerriot Richard about space was sounded in 1983, but was carried out only in 2008. Contract was signed with Space Adventures in 2007. Gerriot Richard passed careful medical examination and about 8 months spent in the Star city then it was ready to flight in space. Start took place on October 12, 2008. Gerrison stayed in space of 11 days, 20 hours and 35 minutes. The known developer of video games returned to Earth on October 23, 2008.

Gui Laliberte

flight Price: $40 million
of Date of flight: On September 30 — on October 11, 2009

the Canadian Gui Laliberte was born

(Canada), in the same place got education. Began the avenue to wealth the ordinary circus actor, playing an accordion and swallowing of fire. Over time created own company Cirque du Soleil which represented the circus using various styles of representations from different corners of the world. Since 2007 Gui at professional level acts in tournaments on poker.

As well as all previous tourists, Laliberte passed year of preparation before flight in space. Flight of the businessman was carried out on September 30, 2009. Main objective of flight of Gui called society education in the field of water problems of a planet Earth and even made 120-minute video representation of space which was broadcast online in different points of the world. Gui stayed in space of 11 days, 21 hours and 17 minutes, having returned to Earth on October 11, 2009.

"Touches it, it changes you, it emotionally, and I would like that everyone on Earth could see Earth here so" — shared the impressions Laliberte.

Development commercial astronautics to Russian Federation with more available cost of flights — one of key subjects InSpace Forum .
Dennis Anthony
Tito Dennis
Shattlvort Richard
Shattlvort Mark
Khemmond Gregory
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Main activity:Communication and IT
Main activity:Communication and IT