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mother and the first trainer tell it to

About the participant of the Olympic Games in Pyeongchang.


the Pupil of the Megion CHILDREN AND YOUTH SPORTS SCHOOL NO. 3 Kulishova Victoria and the women's national team Russian Federation on hockey continue preparation for the Winter Olympic Games. Final collecting takes place in Khabarovsk. The team will go to Pyeongchang tomorrow. For the Olympic awards hockey players Japan, Sweden, Switzerland, South Korea, Finland, United States of America, Canada will argue. It is offered to Russians to act under a neutral flag.

For Kulishova Victoria it not the first international competitions. For junior national team she played on two superiority of the world (till 18 years). In Canada, in 2016, together with team shared bitterness of defeat in a match for bronze medals, and to Czech Republic, a year later, ascended to the third step of a pedestal. In hockey, excitements, experiences and achievements Kulishova Victoria tell it about the first steps mother Kulishova Zoe and the first trainer Golubtsov Sergei — now it works at sports school in Nizhnevartovsk.
Golubtsov Sergei:
— our pupil — at the Olympic Games! For Megion it not simply big, but fantastic event. Probably, such will not repeat any more though, of course, there was a wish that children played sports and achieved the most resounding success.
Kulishova Zoe:
— Certainly, we are glad, but very much we worry. The Olympic Games — it is huge loading and responsibility.
Golubtsov Sergei:
— In due time in the settlement High near school we constructed one hockey box, then — the second. Business was demanded, it is vulgarly good — children were fond of hockey. Solved and why not to try in Megion where it is more than children? Why not to convert the thrown repair shops? I went for reception to the mayor of that time Chepaykin Anatoly. It supported idea and transferred us the building. There we constructed a hockey platform of 60 by 17 meters in size, and nearby — a mini-football field. At first, to freeze ice, opened all windows and doors, and the next year City administration bought us the filling Olympia combine and the freezing equipment. Children had an opportunity to train and play on artificial ice. Suitable rooms (a battery room, for repairs engines etc.) converted — ten locker rooms turned out. Began the first sets in hockey groups. In one of them there were Kulishova Victoria, small such button, and Zubok Darya who now supports dmitriyevsky "Tornado" and too protected honor of the youth national team Russian Federation in two World Cups till 18 years. For all it was wild that girls play hockey, but it did not confuse me.
Kulishova Zoe:
— Kulishova Victoria grew the hyperactive child. Since four years went in for acrobatics, actively participated in sporting events in kindergarten. In 2006 at the fourth school the sports class with specialization — hockey in which enlisted Kulishova Victoria for the first time opened. The whole day at the daughter was painted with br on minutes — study, daily two times trainings, music school. I was negative to that she is engaged in hockey. Hoped that will play and will throw. Tried to take away from sport school, but the father and the trainer were on her party.
Kulishova Victoria rose in six mornings, on the alarm clock, and in seven already was on court. And so — every day, despite of cold, a frost or slush. Over time I understood that she will not give up hockey. Helped that did not disturb, but said that if wants to be engaged, has to study well. She was in time all. From elementary school graduated on "perfectly". The fours began to appear from the fifth class when departures on competitions became frequent and it was necessary to do homework at night. She ceased to attend music school where half a year went on vocal and choral singing, but wanted to learn to play the guitar. In a month mastered on Internet, the father only showed some chords.
Golubtsov Sergei:
— Boys yours faithfully treated girls, the team was amicable. Serious conflict situations did not arise. And about small Kulishova Victoria and Zubok Darya quite consulted. Brisk little girls. I did not do indulgences to them. As well as everything, they persistently trained, and it was necessary to work be healthy as! Sometimes to blood callosities. They suffered and were not given.
We often left on competitions, even on the international. To Belarus won first place, in Saint Petersburg — the second. You come, you say that from Megion — nobody knows, where such city. You specify that near Nizhnevartovsk, only then it becomes more or less clear to people. I then was the director of sports school. For trips spent money, obtained for hire of skates and mass driving on our court, parental, and later when Russian Federation started participating in regional superiority, the city-forming enterprise — JSC "SN-MNG" began to help us.
When to boys and little girls was years on twelve, I remember, played selection round of superiority Russian Federation with Magnitogorsk "Metallurgist". We conceded — 4:7, but Kulishova Victoria scored the first goal. Represent, "Magnitogorsk" — one of leading hockey schools of the country — and the girl throws a washer. Fantasy! All were shocked.
Kulishova Zoe:
— In thirteen years according to the recommendation of the trainer to Kulishova Victoria invited to viewing to Yekaterinburg. There it was trained, went to tournament to Moscow. In the capital it was seen by the Nizhny Novgorod trainer and literally attacked me by phone: "Your girl is necessary to us, perspective, we have a good base, a hostel, will surely arrive in STATE-FINANCED INSTITUTION OF PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION FINISHING WORKS ADMINISTRATION". Went, all looked and there it left. Thirteen years — still the child, and we send her to others city. It is clear that she there studies, trains, plays, under supervision, but the concern burst forth. Regularly by phone communicated with the tutor and the coach of the team. Over time excitement settled a little, but still I worry though she already grew up. Kulishova Victoria studies on a third year of school of the Olympic reserve, plays for the SCYTHIAN in Female hockey league.
Now she trains from the national team in Khabarovsk. Two trainings and "trenazherka" — loadings big, but already declined. We call up twice a day — in the morning and in the evening. Always is about what to talk. She is an optimist on lives, however the Olympic subject we try to bypass …

Four years in a row
Athletes of Nizhnevartovsk branch of the Center of the Olympic preparation of national teams Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra won two medals on the Grand Prix "Ivan Yarygin" on free-style wrestling which took place in Krasnoyarsk and brought together more than three hundred athletes from twenty countries of the world.
In the fourth tournament in a row on a pedestal Sidakov Zaurbek (in a picture), acting in category to 74 kg broke through. In 2014 he became the bronze prize-winner of Gran-pri, in the following — the winner, and a year ago — the owner of a silver medal.
Now the ward of the honored trainer Russian Federation Rozhkov Victor surely won against Demir Muhammad from Turkey — 12:2, in a semi-final forced to capitulate the Ossetian Khubezhty Kakhaber — 5:0 and in a decisive duel for the first place met with other representative of Alania — the vice-world champion of 2017 Hetik Tsabolov. The rival got a victory-3:1. And the Ugra fighter repeated last year's achievement.
In category to 86 kg on a pedestal Nayfonov Arthur broke through. It closed the three of prize-winners. In a semi-final conceded to Taylor Devid from United States of America, but in a duel for a bronze medal overcame Cuban Yuriski Torreblank — 2:1. One more athlete of the TsSPSKYu Nizhnevartovsk branch could not be overcome in weight to 65 kg the bronze prize-winner of the last year's World Cup Gogaev Alan for an award. On the eve of the Grand Prix "Ivan Yarygin" it was traumatized.

Alan Gogaev
Last position: The professional athlete on free-style wrestling (PUBLICLY FUNDED INSTITUTION "TSSPSKYU")
Victoria Kulishova
Last position: The professional athlete of the women's national team on ice hockey (FKHR)
Victor Rozhkov
Last position: Head of the district (Establishment "Sverdlovsky rayonny council of people's deputies")
Main activity:Mining
Olympic reserve school
City administration
Government Agency