ВТБ завершил формирование структуры розничного бизнеса объединенного банка

Владимир, 29 января - АиФ-Владимир. В рамках работы объединенной бизнес-линии «Розница» банка ВТБ завершен процесс формирования её организационной структуры...
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Vladimir Verkhoshinsky
Last position: Chief executive officer (JSC Alfa-Bank)
Dmitry Breytenbikher
Last position: The Head of Department on work with bonus clients – the senior vice-president (PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "BANK VTB")
Alexandra Tymbay
Last position: Director of strategic development (JSC Alfa-Bank)
Andrey Aleksandrovich Osipov
Last position: Senior vice-president, Head of Department of retail products (PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "BANK VTB")
Eugenie Aleksandrovich Dyachkin
Last position: Director of the department of mortgage lending (PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "BANK VTB")