Residents of Kirov wrote the letter in zishchitu Nikita Belykh

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the Message signed by 11 inhabitants of Kirov, the judge filed as the characteristic of the ex-governor of the region

of News of Kirov and Kirov region on January 24. the Letter in support of the ex-governor Nikita Belykh, the signed 11 residents of Kirov, the judge filed as the characteristic.

the Letter from residents of Vyatka the wife of the former governor Belykh Catherina

placed on the page on Social network Facebook

Here some quotes from it:

"Wanted to write about Nikita Belykh to Kirov region and Kirov. About that that we, residents of Kirov, believed in changes to the best. The last of governors there came the emperor Alexander in 19 century to our "backwoods". And only Belykh Catherina it was succeeded "to bring" both Medvedev, and Putin.
Was felt proximity of the power and participation in it any inhabitant. Once Nikita Belykh very much helped my family. I have mother (the disabled person 1 gr. ) went to a social security, and there was the wild turn beginning on the street. I wrote to it to the twitter, and it, being in Moscow, right there made the order to understand. As a result in the evening of turn was not. As I live practically at the Theatre-goer, saw as light in its office burned closer by the night, and during week-end".

"The most joyful event, it when Nikita Belykh subscribed for me in the twitter. Whether Vidannoye put that such person, the Governor (from capital letter), noticed me, a small small insect. When he declared that will be chosen for the second term, I did not doubt seconds for whom I will go to vote. I then spoke and now I will repeat: Nikita Belykh - my Governor.
When began this bedlam with detention ", a bribe", etc. my mother with neigbours in a garden very actively empathized Nikita Belykh. For them in general it everything became enormous shock".

"On a post of the governor at Nikita Belykh were both obvious progress, and loud failures. In area for the first time from Soviet period started building housing for state employees and new kindergartens, there was a record number of new sporting venues.
We have the right to be proud of the project of support of local initiatives. This unique in scales of our country action. The project on office housing is also unique. In many regions of area houses" for the first time started being under construction.

"Nikita Belykh personally I apprehended in 2009 as a big holiday after stagnation Nicholas Ivanovich Shaklein.
Nikita Belykh undertook new work furiously. First it very much burned, and we, of course, were fascinated as got used that the governor — it simply a talking head to which enclose a piece of paper, and it reads that to it wrote. Belykh Catherina always was with soul, with speeches, distributed promises, summed up the results of year that is executed".

"At the time of arrival to policy Nikita Belykh was very well-founded. Even the thought that Nikita Belykh could take any bribe - is absolutely excluded".

"As our Governor conducted a heading where answered the trickiest questions on radio. He participated in sports competitions, handed over norms of GTO on Theatre Square, had an informal rank "the youngest governor", conducted accounts in several social networks, Rodnopolisy/of che acted in the clip on the song "!" . I consider
Ya that Kirov region rose from knees with it and is very grateful for it. Nikita Belykh performed the work perfectly well and for Kirov region not to find the best governor".