About work of the specialized prosecutor's offices on legality and law and order strengthening in corrective colonies

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Yoshkar-Ola prosecutor's office on supervision of observance of laws in correctional facilities Mari El Republic (special prosecutor's office) in 2017 is carried out by

last year carried out 79 inspections by results of which 62 representations are brought. Under reaction acts 92 employees of penal system are brought to a disciplinary responsibility, 10 officials are administratively punished. Public prosecutor's workers took part in 1089 court sessions by consideration of the questions connected with execution of a sentence. Results of supervising work are discussed in January, 2018 at operational meeting with participation of the representative of prosecutor's offices the republics, tasks for the forthcoming period are defined. Following the results of meeting the actions directed on improvement of public prosecutor's activity, legality and law and order strengthening in correctional facilities are developed. On special control special prosecutor's offices remain questions of execution of requirements of the law of providing a mode and conditions of the contents, material and household and medical and sanitary providing, employment condemned, an order of application of measures of collectings and encouragement. The priority direction No. 59-FZ still have observance of requirements of the Federal law of 02.05.2006 "About an order of consideration of addresses of citizens in Russian Federation", legislations on counteraction of extremist activity, to terrorism, corruptions.