To Latvia in advance accused the Kremlin of intervention in parliamentary elections

@Parlamentskaja gazeta
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Photo: Deputies of Diet of Republic of Latvia from ruling National association accused in advance the Kremlin of intervention in parliamentary elections coming by fall. The speaker of diet from this political organization, the former journalist Inara Murnietse declared as if the Kremlin uses at the upcoming parliamentary elections to Latvia "feykovy news, will blacken the republic and its politicians"...
Inara Murnietse
Last position: Minister (Ministry defenses of Republic of Latvia)
Имант Парадниекс
Last position: The adviser to the prime minister concerning population policy (Government of the Republic of Latvia)
Neal Ushakov
Last position: Deputy, participant of Group of Progressive alliance of socialists and democrats
Tatyana Zhdanok
Last position: Deputy from Russian Union of Latvia party
Social Democratic Party "Harmony"
Political ideology:Social democracy, progressivizm, internationalism.