In Samara condemned the intermediary in bribe transfer to the head of depstroy Rubakov Sergei

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Samara, on January 25, Russian information agency "FederalPress". Leninsky district court of the city of Samara of Samara region pronounced a sentence to Akhmedova Vladislava who promised to give earlier a bribe to the chief of city department of town planning Rubakov Sergei.

the Court sentenced Akhmedova Vladislava, accused of mediation by bribe transfer, to two and a half years of a standard regime penal colony. Volga informs the News on it social and political information agency "Volga Nyus".

the Lawyer of Samara regional bar Association Davydova Anna considers by

the court decision unfair. Soon protection intends to appeal against it.

"In our opinion, court did not consider a disease accused and a number of circumstances. So, court did not establish, how exactly Rubakov Sergei had to comply with a request Akhmedova Vladislava and Volkova if it was not included into power of the official" — reported Davydova Anna.

we Will remind

, according to the investigation, on July 25, 2016 Akhmedov was detained by employees of UEB and the personal computer Head department of ministry of internal affairs of the Russian Federation on Samara region at the time of receiving part of illegal remuneration of 1 750 000 rubles, intending to the head of department.

we Will note

also that Rubakov Sergei is the person involved in two criminal cases — about fraud and the mediation offer in bribery. The official was detained at the beginning of June, 2017 and at the moment is under house arrest.