Nikolai Valuev will spend in Primorsky territory day of health

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the World champion in boxing Nikolai Valuev will take part in actions of Day of health in the settlement Novoshakhtinsk Primorsky territory, the region press service reports .

"Nikolai Valuev will do exercises and a video quiz, will hand over balls with the autograph. Also this day hockey tournament, a concert educational program and a flashmob" are planned, – is spoken in the message on organizers of action.

of Action will pass at hockey stadium of the settlement on January 27.

we Will note

that today in Far East special attention is paid to sports promoting. According to "the Far East section" state program "Development physical culture and sport", to 2020 in Far East 40,5 percent of inhabitants will regularly play sports, public sports constructions will be available to nearly a half of the population.

"For Far East development a social component – educations, health care, sports, culture and tourism is most important. To people has to be interestingly and comfortably live in Far East", - the Minister noted earlier Russian Federation on development the Far East Alexander Galushka.

In December of last year within Days Far East in Moscow the deputy minister of sports Russian Federation Novikov Pawel emphasized that sports grounds have to appear in each settlement Far East, having specified that within the federal target program from 2005 to 2015 for development sports in Far East was allocated with 7,5 billion rubles and the result of these investments is felt.

"Security with sports constructions across Far East even above, than on the average on Russian Federation, and the number of the people playing sports, too many times increased for these years", - Novikov Pawel reported.

Author: Nazipova Eugenia
%2B7 (926) 234-65-39

the Channel Ministry for Development of Russian Far East in Telegram