Bashmet Youri Abramovich celebrates anniversary

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Yury Bashmet. Photo from archive
Bashmet Youri Abramovich. Photo from archive

on January 24, Minsk / BELTA/Correspondent. To the national actor Russian Federation, to the world famous viola player and the conductor Bashmet Youri Abramovich is today 65 years.

Bashmet Youri Abramovich was born

. It was brought up in an intelligent family: the father worked as the engineer at the iron road, mother got a philological education. Mother imparted to the son love to music and insisted on that the boy was trained at music school. Having found out that the child has an excellent hearing and excellent memory, teachers agreed to accept him. However the set on a class of a violin was already stopped, and to parents did not remain anything else, except how to write down Bashmet Youri Abramovich on a viola. In those days the tool was considered second-grade in comparison with the violin, however the beginning musician fell in love with his sounding and subsequently devoted all the life of promoting of a viola. Bashmet Youri Abramovich became the first musician in the history, proved to possibility of a viola as the soloist tool.

Excellent having graduated from music school, Bashmet Youri Abramovich arrived in Moscow state conservatory P. I. Tchaikovsky's name. Earning additionally game on a guitar at restaurants and on "home concerts", the talented student saved the decent sum and got the ancient viola made by the Italian master Testore Paolo in 1758. Yury Bashmet does not leave this tool Bashmet Youri Abramovich

After the conservatory termination in 1976 concert career of the young musician began

a viola in Munich and soon went on the first foreign tours. Subsequently the musician acted in the best concert halls Europe, United States of America, Canada, Latin America, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. Bashmet Youri Abramovich became the first performer who has given solo alt concerts in "Carnegie Hall" (New York), "Barbikane" (London), "La Scala" (Milan), the Berlin philharmonic hall, and also the Big hall of conservatory in Moscow. Bashmet Youri Abramovich acted as the soloist with the best symphonic orchestras - Berlin and Vienna philharmonic orchestras, New York and London philharmonic orchestras, Kontsertgebau's Royal orchestra and others.

the Musician seized practically all alt repertoire, specially for it more than 50 works of known modern composers, such as Shnitke Alfred, Tariverdiev Mikael, Gubaydulina Sofya, Kancheli Giya, Chaykovsky Alexander are written.

B 1982 Bashmet Youri Abramovich got up for a conductor's stand. In 1986 of the maestro created chamber ensemble "Soloists of Moscow" with which in 2008 it was awarded the awards "Grammy" for record of music Stravinsky Igor and Sergei Prokofyev. In 2002 Bashmet Youri Abramovich headed the State symphonic orchestra "New Russia", and since 2012 he directs the All-Russian youthful orchestra: collective from 79 young musicians who have passed competitive selection among performers of classical music.

Bashmet Youri Abramovich pays much attention to education of new generation of talented musicians. Since 1978 of the maestro teaches in Moscow state conservatory P. I. Tchaikovsky's name where in 1996th it based and headed "Experimental chair of a viola". Since 1995 - professor. Bashmet Youri Abramovich also is the artistic director of Youth musical academy of the countries Commonwealth of Independent States, honourable professor of Moskovsky state university named after M. V. Lomonosova, Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosova, Moskovsky university or Moscow State University, the honorary academician of the London Academy of arts, honourable professor of Musical academy County of Gijang (Italy).

Diligence Bashmet Youri Abramovich were created by

in Minsk (together with the Belarusian pianist Krimer Rostislav). To Belarus the festival is held annually since 2006, it became one of the most significant cultural events Commonwealth of Independent States.

B 2011 together with Konstantin Khabensky Bashmet Youri Abramovich issued the musical and literary program, in 2016 - the performance "Do Not Leave the Planet" based on Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's work "Little Prince". On TV channel" Russian Federation the Culture" the maestro conducts an author's broadcast "Dream Station" which is the winner of TEFI-2005 and TEFI-2007 in the nomination "Musical Program".

One more child of the musician - the International charity foundation awarding the International award of a name of Dmitry Shostakovich for outstanding achievements in the field of world art.

About creativity and the unique personality Bashmet Youri Abramovich are removed by

Bashmet Youri Abramovich can call

one of the most titled Russian musicians of the present. He is the owner of numerous ranks and awards. The national actor Russian Federation, the State awards of the USSR and Russian Federation is awarded ranks. In 2000 the Russian biographic society appropriated it the honourable title "Person of Year", and in the 2008th for the significant contribution to development the Belarusian-Russian cultural ties Bashmet Youri Abramovich is awarded the order Francis Scorina. It is also awarded awards of the Honourable legion, the award "For Merits before the Fatherland" of III and the IV degree.

Bashmet Youri Abramovich is married on Bashmet Natalia . In a family two children - the daughter Ksenia and the son Chaykovsky Alexander.