The Ivatsevichsky authorities allowed to establish in the natural boundary Merechevshchina a monument to Kostyushko Tadeush

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Ivatsevichsky district executive committee allowed to establish a monument to Kostyushko Tadeush in the territory of the memorial memorial estate in the natural boundary Merechevshchina (Brest Region) where the national hero Belarus, Poland and United States of America was born. It follows from the letter of regional administration which was published on the page in Social network Facebook by the journalist and the public figure Lobodenko Gleb.

Lobodenko Gleb is the initiator of campaign for fund raising on production of a monument Kostyushko Tadeush on the kraudfandingovy platform of . For short term the public helped it to raise money on a sculpture, and then — on a pedestal. In total project attracted more than 22 thousand rubles from 17,5 thousand necessary.


In the letter from local authorities it is said that the idea of creation and installation of a monument to the national hero Belarus on his small homeland in Merechevshchina was supported by officials of the Ministry of Culture and the Brest regional executive committee. According to the document after installation the monument will turn into maintaining department of ideological work, culture and for youth of Ivatsevichsky district executive committee.

Lobodenko Gleb noted on Social network Facebook that the monument according to the sketch of the Belarusian sculptor Loyko Genik is already ready. It will try to establish to birthday of Kostyushko Tadeush which will be celebrated on February 4.

on October 21 last year the monument to Kostyushko Tadeush appeared in the Swiss Solothurn where he died and was buried. Money on a monument was collected by the representatives of the Belarusian diaspora living to Switzerland.

it was Initially supposed

that on the plate accompanying a monument the inscription in the Belarusian and German languages will be placed: "to Vydatnam to the son Belarus_ a hell udzyachny suaychynn_ka ў" ("To the outstanding son Belarus from grateful compatriots"). However the Polish Embassy to Switzerland demanded to clean a mention about Belarus, having declared that otherwise the official Polish delegation will not arrive on monument opening. After that on the plate left only a mention that the monument is established by Association of Belarusians Switzerland in 2017. The conflict was resolved after intervention of the Charge d'Affaires ad interim in affairs Belarus Matsukevich Pavel.

In a picture — the model of a monument of Kostyushko Tadeush works Loyko Genik
