To Donets Basin sent "the invitation to come back home"//The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the law on region reintegration

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The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the bill "About Features of a State Policy on Providing the State Sovereignty Ukraine over temporary Occupied Territories in Donetsk and Lugansk Areas". The document which is also known as the Law on reintegration Donets Basin, was approved by 280 voices at necessary 226. In the adopted law calling Russian Federation "invader", the concept "Russian aggression" that creates conditions for realization attempts in the southeast Ukraine the power scenario and strengthening of external pressure upon Moscow is consolidated...
Ilya Pitalev
Last position: Special press photographer (Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti")
Petro Poroshenko
Last position: Chairman of the party ("Solidarity")
Okhrimenko Alexander
Political ideology:Republicanism, conservative liberalism.
"Opposition Bloc"
Political parties
All-Ukrainian Union "Freedom"
Political ideology:Far right, Ukrainian nationalism, anticommunism, ultranationalism.