In Vladikavkaz there was a mass fight after a match of youth teams (video)

@Sovetskij sport
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Is reported that hockey players, younger of which are not present and 10 years, avoided serious injuries.

Hockey players of "Alania" won against

with the score 6:3. After a final siren the most part of guest team left ice when four players of "Alania" entered the conflict from hockey players "Huskies" of 2008 year of birth.

a Fight proceeded about minutes. Let's note that judges punished participants of fight a match penalty.

"Will carry out the corresponding functional audit inspection, - gives the message of the Ministry of sports Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. – Discussion with the chief arbitrator of that match is already led. According to the referee, this quite normal phenomenon during an intense meeting of two basic rivals between whom, in addition, is also any long offenses".

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