To Japan about 92 thousand hens because of a virus of bird flu are destroyed

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of the Photo: © RIA Novosti news agency / Subbotin Sergei

Ministry Selskoe farms of Japan reported that in Prefecture of Kagawa on the island Region of Shikoku 92 thousand hens destroyed because of the outbreak of bird flu of H5N6.<"14>"

In the city Sanuki and nearby areas from a sick bird 750 people, including employees of forces of self-defense participated in territory cleaning. In a radius of ten kilometers from poultry farms where the virus is found, entered a quarantine zone. Now from there it is impossible to take out eggs, a bird and other production to other districts. Besides, on roads disinfection is carried out.

we Will remind

that earlier in Ministry of Agriculture of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland told that in County of Dorset are found 17 birds who were lost from bird flu of H5N6. Thus in the ministry noted that "the virus does not pose big threat of infection for the person".