Pantykin Alexander, what such 60 years?

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Alexander Pantykin was entitled Pantykin Alexander was entitled

"The honourable citizen Sverdlovsk region" in 2017. Photo: Vorozhtsov Pawel

to Pantykin Alexander is executed Today by

60 years. Perhaps, that case when to represent the person is not required. Its music sounds in many movies — "You at me one", "Makarov", "Muslim", "You is", "Everything will be good", "Business was in Gavrilovke" … It — the author of music to many musical performances — for example, "The silicone silly woman" Muzkomediya, more than three hundred songs and romances … For certain everyone, reading these lines, heard Pantykin Alexander.

To birthday we communicated to his friends — directors, screenwriters, actors …

Astrakhan Dimitri , the director, the former director of Sverdlovsk Theatre for Young Audience:

— History which I often remember, Pantykin Alexander, about us with you. It is history how to open talent of the composer Pantykin Alexander.

… There was a work on the movie "Everything Will Be Good". Music — such that became a masterpiece that sounded at all in the head is urgently necessary. Certainly, it had to be music Pantykin Alexander, nobody else any more did not suit me. I at that time worked at comedy theater in Saint Petersburg. Pantykin Alexander arrived to me, brought any preparations from the house … But when we listened to them together with already finished shooting material, understood: not that. It was necessary urgently and to write new music quickly. And Pantykin Alexander — the person incredibly occupied, at it is always many projects. I perfectly understood it, saw that Pantykin Alexander distract much … And then I told: "We here, at theater, have a room on the second floor. There we you, Pantykin Alexander, will lock. Let's carry food, and you, the main thing, write music". Closed. Carried food. Pantykin Alexander with anybody did not communicate. In three days it left — slightly become stupid, but with a masterpiece.

A we got acquainted with Pantykin Alexander in Yekaterinburg. I then worked in Theatre for Young Audience, Pantykin Alexander was known as the leader of Urfin Dzhyus group. I looked for the composer for the children's performance "We Write Three, Two in Mind", to me prompted Pantykin Alexander, he started working and very quickly made the remarkable music which is precisely transferring mood.

For what I Pantykin Alexander appreciate

? First of all for talent. Therefore I wish you, Pantykin Alexander, forces, inspiration. And if that — come, I will close you for about three days!

I Congratulate heartily.

(From edition. When the story about music to the movie "Everything Will Be Good" to us was told once by the birthday man, he mentioned that … "some days in this room of veins without food and water").

Aynutdinov Sergei , director of animation cinema, chairman of Sverdlovsk office of the Union of artists Russian Federation:

— When at Pantykin Alexander was Sonans group, it walked in boots on a high heel and had big, with slightly curly hair, a hairdress "a la Makarevich". On performances he created illusion very much the businessman. It seemed to us amusing therefore he was engaged in amateur creativity. All of us simply behaved, after all students, youth, and he looked at once at everything seriously, responsibly, especially to creativity. It had everything under record, the daily log at itself. The business guy what here to tell.

But nevertheless the moment of our creative attraction happened. Later, when I began to treat seriously work, he wrote music to my movies. For example, I remember, we did the movie "Aynudizm", and something in any way I could not decide on music. Thought, thought and then I speak to Pantykin Alexander: the waltz can? It picked up at once, let's strum. Creativity — always the doubt moment. But with Pantykin Alexander in this sense it was easy because it too the person doubting and if it liked someone's idea, it picked up her and took a narrow view as she can fit into the general musical context.

Safronov Mikhail, director general Sverdlovsk theater of the musical comedy:

— Pantykin Alexander — long ago it is not simple "the grandfather of the Ural fate", and the person which soul in general lies to musical theater. I never will forget as he offered us "Dead souls". Received from it baked four "Gold masks", including Pantykin Alexander as the composer. It inspired us for other works. We the first in the country put it "The silicone silly woman" who went then on many platforms, the cities and rural lands Russian Federation.

Pantykin Alexander, what such 60 years? It anything. You have still all ahead. It is sure: for next sixty years you will write us not one musical, and we will please more than once the audience only Russian Federation.

Belkin Yegor, participant of Sverdlovsk rock groups "Urfin Dzhyus", "Nastya" and "Nautilus Pompilius":

— Into my life of San Sanych rushed very zealously. It helped us, young musicians from Verkhnyaya Pyshma, in 1981 to write down our first album. The second step was that we, without being students of architectural institute, participated in an institute festival and unexpectedly won a prize of spectator sympathies. And then San Sanych arrived as he is able: if you cannot surpass the rival, you have to employ him. So we with Nazimov Vladimir, the drummer, appeared in structure "Urfin Dzhyusa".

our Friendship did not stop to that I am scary glad. It both teacher, and founder, and honored artist of all times and people. But the main thing for me — I dare to name it Pantykin Alexander though all call San Sanych many years, and for me he is Pantykin Alexander that there occurred.

of the File of "OG": Pantykin Alexander

Was born

on January 12, 1958 in Yekaterinburg. Graduated from physics and technology faculty of the Ural state polytechnical institute (1981), variety office of Sverdlovsk musical school of a name of P. I. Tchaikovsky (1985) and the Ural state conservatory of a name of M.P. Mussorgsky on a class of composition Nimensky A. N. (1994). Played in groups "Blind Musician" (1973–1975), musical studio "Sonans" (1976–1980), the leader of groups "Urfin Dzhyus" (1980–1985; 1988–1989) "Alexander Pantykin's Project" ("FATHERS", 1989–1991), "Train of Kudanibud" (1998–2002). "Nautilus Pompilius", "Office", "Nastya", "Agatha Christie" worked with rock groups. Since 1995 the director of Tutti Musical news agency, from the 2007th — the president of Non-commercial partnership "Studio Pantykina". Is the member of three creative unions: Union of composers (2003), Union of cinematographers (1994) and Union of theatrical figures (1995). Author of music over 60 feature, documentary, animation films and series and more than 70 drama performances.

  • It is published in No. 4 of 12.01.2018