They then trusted

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Many shebekinets for certain saw the metal plate on a facade of the building of Palace of culture with the inscription beaten out on it: "The message to future generation from workers of Shebekino. It is put on November 7, 1967. To open on November 7, 2017". And here this day came. Near a recreation center where since morning the Soviet songs began to sound, the people gathered.

elderly people generally came, some of which remember events of fifty-year prescription and even participated in them. Half a century back here took place solemn meeting. Great honor to put time capsule then pupils of shebekinsky schools, drummers of socialist work received: mechanic of machine works Baydukov and bureaucrat of chemical combine Aksenov.


the ceremony of extraction of a capsule was addressed by the participant of her laying of Bulavinova Taisiya .

"It now I am Bulavinova Taisiya , and then was the best pioneer of the city Tarasova Taisiya, – with excitement she told. - 50 years flew by as one day. And today I cannot wait to read that we wrote our descendants to the future. And here it already also came, this future! Honestly – I very much pochelovecheski am happy! ".

I here already the capsule representing the cylinder from stainless steel, is taken from a cavity in a building wall which was closed earlier by the metal plate. Bulavinova Taisiya and Sabelnikov V. F., also the participant of its bookmark, untwist a capsule, take the message consisting of five sheets: cover and four pages with the text printed in printing house.

On the first leaf the title "The memorable message of workers Shebekino district to generation of the XXI century". Bulavinova Taisiya read a bit later in a hall of Palace of culture where all were invited to Communist Party of the Russian Federation the solemn meeting devoted to the 100 anniversary of the Great October socialist revolution.

"Dear companions descendants! " - from these words the address, and also begins with a reminder that on November 7, 1917 Bolsheviks came to the power led by Lenin V. I.. Are quoted the leader of revolution: "The further this great day departs from us, the it becomes clearer value of proletarian revolution to Russian Federation".


"The way of our people is nice. Its feat is great, - it is noted in the message. - That is why we address to you, people of the twenty first eyelid, to all who celebrates on November 7, 2017 the 100 anniversary of the Great October socialist revolution: store and multiply revolutionary traditions of the great-grandfathers, grandfathers, fathers and elder brothers. Nobody has to be forgotten, nothing has to be forgotten". In the message it is told how hard was to shebekinets before revolution. Everything was changed radically by the Soviet power.

In the message give indicators of social and economic developments Shebekino district in anniversary, 1967. They speak about achieved success. The population of the area made then about 100 thousand people.

It is visible to

that authors of the message in the future, our fathers and grandfathers, then believed that in half a century the communism surely will come. Therefore finished the letter in the lines: "Passing on baton of communistic construction to you, we are sure that the next 50 years will bring to new generation bright blossoming of science, work, culture. We wish you, generation of the XXI century, further blossoming of communistic society. Let does not know your generation of social alarms. Let eternally there live on the earth the World, Work, Freedom, Equality, the Brotherhood and Happiness of all people of a planet. Baton of generations pass on in the future".

Completely with the message text wishing can soon get acquainted in the Shebekinsky historical and art museum where it will be transferred to storage.

At solemn meeting, conducted which Honourable citizen Shebekino district and Shebekino Altukhov V. P., working in due time the first secretary of the Shebekinsky city town committee of CPSU, acted the first secretary of the Shebekinsky district committee of Communist Party of the Russian Federation Rudoman V. I. and guests of honor. In particular, the secretary of the Belgorod regional committee of Communist Party of the Russian Federation Baybikov A. A. reported that present Belgorod Komsomol members also wrote the address to descendants.

rewarding of activists of Communist Party with anniversary medals, reception in Communist Party of the Russian Federation new members, flower-laying to a monument Lenin V. I. Took place.

Vasilii Petrovich Altukhov
Anastasia Baybikova
Last position: Deputy (Belgorod regional Council)
Bulavinova Taisiya
Tarasova Taisiya
Булавинов Т. Ф.
Political ideology:Socialism of the 21st century, communism, Marxism-Leninism, anti-capitalism, anti-fascism, patriotism.