Interesting routes for independent travel

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Interesting routes for independent travel

to Make interesting routes for independent travel, at first sight, rather easily. Certainly, so huge world. In it there is so much only! It is absolutely exact, what not to me one wants to glance in the most different corners of our planet and at least partially to take all surprising places which, undoubtedly, are in each country.

However, not each of us can turn the life into infinite travel. As a rule, the vast majority of us are connected by any conventions and obligations. To take at least work. After all if all only also did that moved on the world in search of adventures, hardly progress would go such rates =)

I Will tell

at once — you here do not receive ready templates. We will learn to take from any trip all the best, interesting, tasty! And then you will make without effort the most interesting routes for independent travel.


1. What we want to see?

2. Far or close?

3. What is the time in a stock?

4. And forces calculated?

5. Interesting routes for independent travel.

That we want to see


Certainly, there is a wish to see always as much as possible. At least, to me. My personal list of the places obligatory to visit, in any country rather impressive. From the very beginning I do not choose certain points, simply I enter everything in the list.

As I it make

? Very simply! I watch responses on Internet or I read guides. As a rule, majority of tourists (tourists! ) write about places which are already known for everything. I do not say that they are not interesting! Unless it is possible not to visit Angkor Wat in Cambodia, to Sigiry in Sri Lanka or Shvedagon in Myanmar (Burma)?


But at the same time, making interesting routes for independent travel, it is possible to catch and unique information from the real travelers. I speak about other interesting places which the organized tourists reach seldom. It, for example, rice terraces of the people Province of Ifugao on Philippines or a valley of jugs in Laos. I like to scoop information from communities of travelers, such, for example, as Tripadvizor.

as a result of searches at me turns out such mix from monuments of cultural and historical heritage (the museums, temples, palaces and other pyramids) and natural sights (reserves, beaches, mountains). In it other objects are added then: sign small restaurants (for example, Van Dim Sam mishlenovskiya in Hong Kong), amusement parks (for example, Vin Perl in Vietnamese Nha Trang), interesting streets (such, as Khaosan road in Bangkok), observation decks (I very much like to look at places visited by me from height) and something else on your taste.

If the list is ready, we start counting distance and that as well as on what to cover it.




it is far or close?

When the country small and in it well developed transport connection, this question has no special value. But, for example, to India, where the trip on public transport (trains and buses) can already be considered how a separate adventure, over this subject it is worth thinking well.

So, we watch at the list and we estimate distance. Can bring all desirable places on the card (I always use for this purpose the remarkable appendix for travelers of and to look, how many kilometers between objects, whether it is possible to get there directly. Or to you how to normal heroes, it is necessary to make a detour? Consider, the short way not always happens the shortest on time because of its passability, more precisely, impassability. Look, how many kilometers you plan to reel up in a day (not only on transport, but also on foot). And whether so they are necessary to you, these kilometers?


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we will be to Reach as?

Surely we study a question how to reach the right place and how in general to put these places among themselves. This process is called as the clever word "logistics" and is one of the most important in a question of planning of independent travel.

it would Seem to

, technical progress came so far that questions with movement and speed in general should not be. But is on our Earth of a place where "planes do not fly today, and trains" do not go even. And not only today. And in general in principle! Or, for example, on the card it is expensive, it seems, as is, and the business it washed away a yesterday's mudflow. Yes. Happens and so!

Even if you are going to go sightseeing in

peacefully in one city, for example, Singapore, look as it is possible to reduce a way from point A to point B. Having excluded aimless swayings on unnecessary streets, you will dare to see more interesnost. Though, it is very healthy to wander about small streets too. But here everything depends on time.

When you will master elements of drawing up interesting routes, you will understand that at first sight places far from each other can be approached skillfully if to use, for example, alternative methods of movement. After thoughtful work at you quite viable option which can be put into practice will turn out.


What is the time in a stock?

This question one of the most important. Therefore, looking at available logistics of visit of places - "hotelok", we count that we will manage to see for the taken-away time span.

Here, friends, on your taste. Want — reduce stay time on this or that object, want — throw out it from a route in general. How I arrive? Each time differently. Sometimes I remake a route already on a travel course. Because on a place it becomes clear that any miracle which precisely cannot be passed is near. And I rush there! Such "vzbryki" give to travel a special charm! For example, the wonderful town Moalboal on the Philippine island Province of Cebu appeared in my life quite so.

In general, I would advise to show consideration for planning on time. Why? Because planes, buses, ferries, trains go not according to your desire. And at all according to the schedule. Happens that departures are postponed or means for land-surface movement break in a way, And break, respectively, all your plans.

do not hope at random! Always leave a gap in time for an emergency which, for example, happened to me at change in Doha on a way to Bangkok. My baggage did not manage to overload on docking flight. And instead of one and a half hours I sat at the airport Doha all nine. And if from Bangkok I would fly at once still somewhere? Understand, about what I? Just about … Travel in general could not happen! So, study as strangers a mistake. Put time for "circumstances".


A of force calculated?

Certainly, on paper it is possible to draw anything. It will endure everything. Whether and will bear your organism those shake-ups which you prepare for it?

Once on the island To Chiang I chose by

some excursions among which tracking on the jungle and "Flight of a gibbon" went one after another, that is the first day — tracking, and the second — driving on tarzanka among virgin forests To Chiang. About tracking guides explained the following: we are expected by easy walk on the jungle with survey of plants and animals. As a result we 6 hours are almost unceasing ran any goat tracks, mainly on the mountains. From animals met tropical spiders, scorpions and myriapods.

of Trees in the jungle it was valid much. Through many it was necessary to get hardly as they were tumbled down directly on tracks. And once I did not fall nearly in the gorge! I will not tell that it was not pleasant to me. On the contrary, I was delighted. Still — the real adventure. But here easy walk it to call difficult. Certainly, next day to me the urgent relax on a beach was required. And "Flight of a gibbon" should be transferred.

In principle, here it also is the most correct approach. Day act, and denrasslablyaetes. Certainly, it is conditional. But, the principle, I think, it is clear.


Interesting routes for independent travel

They by all means will be. The main thing, read about those places where you are going to go more. Information scoop from blogs, thematic forums, books, magazines.

Laziness to read

— watch transmissions about travel! Them now simply huge number. Also do itself marks. So you will have an interesting route for independent travel. Made according to your desire, according to your requirements. It is necessary to carry out it only.

If there are any questions on routes — can set them in comments. And if want, we can plan it together.

Travel easily!

Konoreva Irina, author of the blog " On distant coast "