The man's and female national teams Russian Federation won ChE gold in team sprint
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Yuskov Denise, Pawel Aleksandrovich Kulizhnikov and Murashov Ruslan won gold in team sprint in the championship Europe at separate distances in Kolomna. The Russian skaters won over time 1 minute 19,38 seconds.

the Second place was taken by Finns – the 1.19,76, third – Poles (1.21,29). Initially silver was won by Dutches who were disqualified as Vervey Kun ignored a running stop because of a trauma of the rival.

In female competition the victory was won too by the national team Russian Federation which Golikova Angelina, Fatkulina Olga and Kazelina Elizabeth (1.26,71) supported. Silver at team of Netherlands (1.28,65), the national team got bronze Norway (1.31,88).

  • Russian Federation and Netherlands are in the lead in medal offset, having on the account on 5 gold medals.
  • the Championship Europe will come to the end with mass starts.