Sleep peacefully, expensive the companion: The city said goodbye to Suraev Vasilii

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Kirov followed to the grave on December 27 director generals JSC "Kirovmolkombinat" (JSC "KMK"), the deputy of OZS Suraev Vasilii

of News of Kirov and Kirov region on December 27. Civil funeral in memory of Suraev Vasilii took place this morning at walls JSC "Kirovmolkombinat" (JSC "KMK") which he directed more than 26 years.

hundreds citizens came to Say goodbye to Suraev Vasilii Kurpiyanovich: family, employees and veterans of KMK, former and present heads of the Kirov enterprises, members of Civic chamber, deputies of Legislative assembly and Kirovsky district Gorodskoye Thought, representatives of municipal administration and Government of Kirov region.

the Turn from wishing to pay a tribute to the memory of the outstanding fellow countryman sometimes reached several tens meters. In it as equals stood both known people, and ordinary citizens. At the majority of comers will say goodbye to Suraev Vasilii on in eyes the grief and some kind of bewilderment was read. People were struck with its sudden death. Periodically shared with the familiar memoirs, separate images, pictures and memories of the dead.


Before going to lead Suraev Vasilii to a final journey which filled all platform before office building of KMK, city heads and areas, colleagues acted. The deputy chairman of municipal duma, and in the past the employee of KMK Vostrikov Alexander conducted a farewell ceremony.

Obrashchayet the attention that among comers will say goodbye to Suraev Vasilii was many high-ranking officials who came to memorial service not "on a position". Among other on farewell there were the former governor of the region Nicholas Ivanovich Shaklein, the ex-mayor of Kirov Kiselev Vasilii , the vice governor Kotlyachkov Aleksey, the mayor Helena Kovaleva, the vice speaker of Legislative Assembly Kostin Vladimir, a deputy and the businessman Berezin Oleg … It is difficult to list all, someone was present on civil funeral lasting more than two hours only some minutes, someone remained more long.

Kotlyachkov Aleksey, the Minister of Agriculture Kirov region

- Dear Lyubov Fiodorovna, dear children, relatives, colleagues, friends, colleagues! It is irreplaceable loss not only for native, relatives, employees of combine, not only those who knew Kiselev Vasilii , but also for all inhabitants Kirov region and beyond its limits. Ours with it was cut in youth off. We worked in close connection still when I worked as the director of a stud farm, then chapter Zuyevka district. Already then we discussed development only dairy branches. I will remind, the first economy which was included into group of companies JSC "Kirovmolkombinat" (JSC "KMK"), is in the territory Zuyevka district. And then, already working in the government, we discussed with it the most serious questions. It was necessary to make many extraordinary decisions. Working at the rigid market as "Vyatushk's" brand it "moved apart" regiments, in this fight managed to remove combine in 10 of the best across Russian Federation. Suraev Vasilii grieved about food safety. We today saying goodbye to it we will remember its affairs, patriotism, everything that can be inherent in the person from capital letter. Rest in peace!

Yagovkin Vladimir, the deputy of OZS

- grieves Today all agrarian community. There are heads of agricultural enterprises. I was long ago a sign with Suraev Vasilii . He was the great head, the deputy of OZS of several convocations. Was the beautiful companion, basic and staunch. We incurred a bereavement. For dairy combine, agroholding of the combine, all workers of agriculture, inhabitants Kirov region is irreplaceable loss. Eternal memory. Sleep peacefully, expensive the companion!

Helena Kovaleva, chapter Kirov

- the head of the successful enterprise of the city, not simply brilliant organizer of productions Died not simply, the real citizen died. The person who made a lot of things for developments Kirov. At the center Suraev Vasilii always put honesty. This is the person from capital letter. Personally for me it remains the large-scale, uncommon personality and will become history of the city. Farewell, we will always remember you!

Platunova Tatyana, the chairman boards of directors JSC "Kirovmolkombinat" (JSC "KMK")

- Dear colleagues and all present at this mourning ceremony! Today we follow to the grave our dear and dear director generals. His name is forever connected with JSC "Kirovmolkombinat" (JSC "KMK"). 26 years Suraev Vasilii headed our enterprise. Under its management the dairy combine became the leader on processing of milks to Kirov region and one of the best enterprises to Russian Federation. It was the competent head to subtleties knowing the business, penetrating into all details and the details, grieving about trifle everyone, apparently. He thought strategically, building plans for many years forward. And plans and plans at it was much. Its personal and professional qualities were for us an example. The weighed decisions, kindness, decency, big desire to be necessary to society and people were always inherent in it tranquillity, the consistency. As he spoke, the main sense of his life was in creation. That is to live so that to leave a kind trace, to manage to make as much as possible the good. It left a kind trace in the hearts of many people, but did not manage to make, unfortunately, everything. He was always ready to come to the rescue as in professional, and the personal plan. It was always ready to share the wealth of experience. Seldom, when the door of its office was closed. It was always open for collective. We were lucky to work with such outstanding person and the head. And we understand all responsibility which on us now lays down. And today I address to the colleagues. Despite everything, as they say on the evil to all enemies, we have to will rally even more strongly and to continue to continue the persistent, harmonious work by the begun Suraev Vasilii business. We will develop further our agrofirms and trade, we will be works so that it was not a shame to it with us. We forever to hold it light in remembrance, it will not suffice to us very much. Let the earth to it will be down!

Nicholas Ivanovich Shaklein, the ex-governor Kirov region

- Suraev Vasilii was very reliable person. And as economic head, public figure and companion. We will always grieve! I express deep condolences.

Boyarintsev Sergei, head of Agrofirm "Novy put"

– Honest, productive and very kind person died. He had the natural gift of the head. Was able to resolve any conflict situation. Loved the village and people who work in agriculture. With high responsibility carried out any business. It was tactful. JSC "Kirovmolkombinat" (JSC "KMK") became the reliable investor for agrofirms. Now the highly productive equipment is annually acquired. Construction, reconstruction and modernization of production rooms is conducted. The housing is under construction. Economic indicators, livestock, gross milk yield, efficiency of milch herd grow. Increase salary workers and payments in budgets of all levels. Suraev Vasilii Kurpiyanovich was attracted the person. It is known by all: both friends, and companions, and business partners, and simply inhabitants Kirov region. He was the person who devoted itself to business, having been sure that this business serves people. Suraev Vasilii pursued active social policy. Gave support to projects of local initiatives.
on behalf of staff of all agrofirms JSC "Kirovmolkombinat" (JSC "KMK"), from inhabitants of Orlovsky district, from myself personally I express sincere condolences to all family in connection with withdrawal from life of this remarkable person. We grieve together with you. This person it will forever be held in our hearts in remembrance. Let the earth to it will be down, and to soul there will be an eternal rest!

Yefimov Vasilii , the organizing committee of veterans of KMK

– I knew Suraev Vasilii 37 years. From them 20 years we together worked at dairy combine. It was the head from capital letter. For it professionalism, profound knowledge of business and productions were characteristic. On technical councils we made difficult decisions. And always experts together with Suraev Vasilii understood each other and thanks to it found optimum solutions. And in general, it was very easy to work with it.
For Suraev Vasilii were characteristic respect for the person of work, respect for labor collective. To it it was always possible to come on any question. He perfectly understood people, helped them morally and financially. The staff of the enterprise incurred a bereavement. Nevertheless, it is necessary to continue business which was run by Suraev Vasilii Kuriyanovich, and to carry out all tasks which it set for collective. All of us deeply mourn for a premature demise Suraev Vasilii . We bring condolences to the family.


It was planned that farewell at walls of the enterprise will end at 10.00. but it was tightened. Almost half-eleventh procession on cars went to Makaryevsky church where burial service of the deceased took place. Then Suraev Vasilii was buried on the Novomakaryevsky cemetery.

we Will remind

, it died on December 24 from heart attack in one of the Kirov clinics on the 65th year of life.

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