On the principles of publicity and openness

@Majkopskie novosti
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last Friday in a hall of presidium of the Supreme vessels RA took place press conference and summing up journalistic competitions, educations devoted to the 95 anniversary courts of law of Republic of Adygea.
In press conferences, conducted which vice-chairman Verkhovnogo of vessels Solovyev O. M., Bzegezhev N. Sh., the chairman of qualification board of judges of RA Khapachev R. A., the head of department of judicial department took part in RA Yu the chairman of the board of judges of RA. Hakui, the chief of KU RA"Administration office world judges of RA" Chesebiev K. A.. Solovyova told journalists about positive influence of reforms carried out in the country, raising quality of justice, level of access to justice and level of protection of the rights of citizens. the Principle of publicity and openness of justice allows br today and to representatives of mass media quickly to receive necessary information as through Internet sites of vessels, and being present at court sessions. And, as it was noted during press conferences, informing of citizens through mass media promotes increase of legal culture of the population as a whole. In the republic interaction of judicial bodies and the press is successfully adjusted by br to what a large number of information and analytical materials in mass media testifies. In addition competitions for journalists are traditionally held. This year the twelfth competition was devoted to the 95 anniversary of vessels Republic of Adygea. Judges considered more than 50 projects: articles, interview, reportings, historical sketches. Within press conferences competitions were handed over to winners certificates of honor and awards, including in the nomination "the best interview" the award marked out the deputy editor-in-chief of the Maykopskiye Novosti newspaper Kornienko V. V. for the material "On a Shoulder Only Strong Spirit".
Nikitina Vera.

Solovyev O. M.
Bzegezheva N. Sh.
Khapacheva R. A.
Bzegezhev N. Sh.
Khapachev R. A.