Problem with supply of electricity in the Kolyma settlement Thawed will solve soon

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on December 26, MagadanMedia. Stable power supply will be restored in the settlement by the Thawed, Magadan region, during couple of days. The chief declared Department for GO and emergency. Problems with supply of electricity began in the settlement in revival – out of operation there was one of diesel generators, and power remained does not suffice for uninterrupted giving of light. Yesterday, on December 25, in inhabited sector of the settlement electricity disconnected at some o'clock in each area. Thus problems with water supply and heating in the settlement are not present. In sanatorium where the generator is installed, light was not disconnected at all, reports MagadanMedia .

As the chief told the correspondent of news agency Department for GO and emergency administration of the Hasynsky district Kazantsev Aleksey ", yesterday and today the team of experts works at a boiler room, the issue with delivery the new diesel generator is resolved. Within two days this problem will be solved".

"The electric power in the settlement is developed by the diesel power plant, one of engines failed and food of networks of the settlement transferred to reserve sources. Owing to the characteristics, the remained generators cannot provide bezspereboyny food of all settlement therefore it is necessary to do rolling blackouts in inhabited sector" — Alexey Kazantsev added Kazantsev Aleksey ADMINISTRATION OF THE CITY DISTRICT KHASYNSK is

On a place also and controls a situation.

thus some mass media try to inflate a problem, publishing messages on shutdown heatings and hot water in the settlement. However, inhabitants Tala disprove shutdowns.

In a popular messenger of WhatsApp also spread rumors about the disconnected sanatorium Thawed that is not true as the medical institution takes energy from own diesel generator.