The highway of the Yunnansky oil pipeline is put into operation

@IA Sin'hua
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Kunming, 25 December/Xinhua / - the Site of the Yunnansky oil pipeline Anning - Qujing the other day was put into operation after completion of test operation. This event marked commissioning of all highway of this oil pipeline to Province of Yunnan / Southwest China/.

As were reported by the director of Kunminsky branch of the Southwest companies on pipelines at Zhu Jianping's Chinese national oil and gas corporation, construction of the Yunnansky oil pipeline with a general extent of 950,8 km began in 2011 and three years proceeded. Possessing capacity 7,22 million tons of oil a year, and being the auxiliary project of the oil pipeline China - Myanmar, it includes the main sites Anning - Baoshan, Anning - Mengzi and Anning - Qujing, and also the Kunminsky branch.

according to Zhu Jianping, for a long time southwest areas rich with hydroelectric resources lacked oil resources, in particular prov. Province of Yunnan. Operation of the new highway will allow to improve further conditions of transportation of oil products in prov. Province of Yunnan and effectively to resolve a situation with petrodeficiency in Southwest China.