How to overcome fraud in insurance. 10 quotes from the expert Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia)

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How to create effect of a scorched earth for insurance swindlers? What reasons of their emergence and how to fight against it? What prevents to get rid completely of insurance frauds? Zhuk Igor , the department director Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia).

About "scorched earth"

– Remember the phrase "Yes" during presidential election. Here and at us now on fight against fraud in insurance it turns out.

– there are regional specifics on fight against fraud? – Precisely "yes"!

– there is a refinement of actions of swindlers? – Precisely "yes".

– there are notable results? – "It is exact not"!

– there is a separation of our actions? – "Precisely "yes"!

in it to a paradigm in insurance market we now live. We while have no notable results, but there were road maps and actions. It is no secret that for the last 1,5-2 years the situation on coordination of actions on places cardinally changed. But honestly we admit that while we did not manage to create a scorched earth for swindlers.

About migration of swindlers

– We were recently in business trip in one of provinces Ural Federal District. Discussed a subject of fight against fraud in CMTPL, decisions on coordination of actions were made. In 4-5 months in this area the situation cardinally improved. On the other hand, swindlers moved to the next areas where fight against fraud is not conducted and there to situations there sharply worsened.

Why the such occurs? Because fight against fraud yet has no universal character.

About a didzhitalization of insurance

– the Subject of fight against fraud is a subject of introduction of information technologies in the insurance market .

Didzhitalization is extremely important, but here we have to have the finger on the pulse. Striking example – electronic sales CMTPL. As soon as we started developing this market, the same there were swindlers. On fences announcements "CMTPL not to insure. Here to you phone, the average commissioner will arrive and will buy the electronic policy after road accidents".

it is obvious to

that there were gaps in the legislation. the Mistake was that the electronic policy can be bought always, even at the time of road accidents. We received army of swindlers who right there used these gaps. Shortly this standard opportunity will be eliminated, the temporary franchize when the electronic policy will work with any log on time will be entered.

About bureau of insurance stories

– Now large-scale fight against fraud is not present

. I will give an example from life. I have an acquaintance, he is the person of art, itself does not go, it is carried by the driver who regularly has every year two-three accidents, every year at my acquaintance KASKO increases. What does it do? Every year simply changes the insurance company, goes in new, and receives discounts.

It is the test for an unsuitability for a profession of bureau of insurance stories. Should not be such in the market. the correct step on creation of bureau of insurance stories Was taken, but, it is necessary to admit, after two years of work we find only in the way beginning.

About hostile environment

– to us should understand that fraud – a hardly uneradicable thing. If there is an opportunity to save, many will save. But we have to set up a fence to minimize insurance fraud.

the Phrase "who is guilty? " now it is not actual. All of us in insurance market know the reasons. It and defects in companies, the sales of policies connected with the organization, and lack of coordination in insurance community, and lack of hostile environment which allows to develop to fraud.

About the invention of the wheel

– Now, unfortunately, in fight against swindlers each insurance company invents the wheel. There are no doubts that part of companies are talented in the actions, but without coordination of all insurers not to solve this problem.

the Institute of self-regulation has to become dominating for insurance markets. We look at VSS, National association of agroinsurers (NSA), RSA (RSA) and we understand that uniform rules of professional activity for all participants insurance markets have to be developed. Dissociation between insurers needs to be cleaned.

About system approach

– Fight against fraud in insurance market has to have system character, be conducted at different levels: not only at the level of department of the insurance market Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia), but also at level on information security, on protection of the rights of consumers. We are ready to work at all levels. Somewhere we already work effectively, and somewhere – only at the beginning of a way.

About estimated judgments

– We would like to receive statistics on fraud in the form of concrete figures, instead of estimated judgments. Doing inquiries to the insurance company on fight against fraud, we receive very different answers. As the regulator, we would like to receive statistics, everything has to be systematized and automated, it allowed to coordinate actions and it is better to fight against fraud.

About reliability of the insurance companies

– to us would like that the consumer had no concern concerning stability these or those insurance companies. Now Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) conducts work, studying, in particular, a question of sanitation of the insurance companies.

As for sufficiency of the capital, the next four years we will aspire to that companies took so much responsibility, how many at them is the capital.

About trust of consumers

– We fight against insurance fraud not because the insurance companies do not receive in addition the superincome. And at all because there has to be less work at militiamen but because the consumer who has got to an insurance event, has to receive compensations according to law requirements. It is a question of trust of consumers to the insurance companies. It is extremely important for the market, as a whole.


Igor Nikolaevich Zhuk
Main activity:Official
Bank of Russia
Main activity:Insurance
Main activity:Insurance
Main activity:Insurance