Russkikh Dimitri: "Homeland" decline - wine not the present power

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Such opinion was expressed in our air by the deputy of OZS of the previous convocations Russkikh Dimitri :

is not consequences of work of today's team. It gradually pulled because someone said that at "Homeland" of 10 thousand fans, before elections it is impossible to refuse them. The politicization of "Homeland" began at arrival Nicholas Ivanovich Shaklein to a position of the governor, it is 2007-2008. I think that it to it damaged, that the team became the tool political, it is to team did not give the chance to develop most. If it treated in a different way, for these years there could be professional managers who could build this situation absolutely in other course.

according to Russkikh Dimitri, an issue of the future of "Homeland" it is necessary to resolve now and cardinally:

- That that now occurs, is called as long death. If Government oblasti or the city power consider that the team is necessary and they are ready to find the sponsor, let them be engaged in it. Or they honestly say that is not present, we give up. If you say that the sponsor is not present and we can have no professional team, as well as "Olympia" and "Dynamo", then you tell that all efforts and means which it is possible, will be redirected on strenuously to tighten children's and youthful sports, hockey.
we Will remind

that "Homeland" lost the budgetary financings, sponsors difficult to find for team. Deficiency budgets club is estimated in 100 million rubles. In a line-up there were young inexperienced hockey players. Though it was succeeded to keep "Homeland" in the Superleague, for 10 matches it did not gather any point.
Nicholas Ivanovich Shaklein
Main activity:Field expert
Russkikh Dimitri
Government oblasti
Government Agency