Review: The Chinese cultural center in Minsk became an important platform for developments cultural exchanges between China and Belarus

@IA Sin'hua
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Minsk, 22 December/Xinhua / - On Thursday was executed year from the date of opening of the Chinese cultural center in Minsk. During this time the center organized a set of the actions promoting distribution of the Chinese culture among the Belarusian population and deepening of mutual understanding and friendship between the people of two countries, having become an important platform for developments the Belarusian-Chinese cultural exchanges.

On celebration of anniversary of basis of the center the ambassador China in Belarus Tsimin Tsuy delivered a solemn speech. He noted that for last year a number of actions at the high level, the cultural exchanges directed on stimulation between China and Belarus was carried out. All actions received an active response from public.

from the moment of the center basis cultural exchanges between the countries do not stop. In total in a month after opening by the center festive action "A cheerful holiday of Spring" in the city Minsk and the cultural capital Belarus - the city Grodno was organized. During the Holiday of drakony boats, the Holiday of the middle of fall and other traditional Chinese holidays the Chinese cultural center held various interactive events, master classes and photo exhibitions that the Belarusian people could see and understand traditions and customs of the Chinese people. Active part in preparation of actions was taken by local creative collectives.

In June, 2017 the center organized "Week of a non-material cultural heritage China", having invited the Chinese actors who could report a cultural heritage China to the people Belarus. Belarusians had a fine opportunity without leaving the country to learn the Chinese embroidery, weaving from a bamboo, to drawing by caramel, the Sichuan opera and to listen to sounding of traditional Chinese musical instruments.

Besides, the Chinese cultural center in Minsk regularly arranges to

various lectures, master classes, film screenings and exhibitions, and also takes part in cultural exchanges with figures of the Belarusian art that promotes deepening of cultural ties between China and Belarus.

the Head of department of international relations of Ministry cultures of Republic Belarus Ratobylskaya Victoria in the speech on celebration of anniversary of the Chinese cultural center in Minsk noted that she is the constant participant of all actions of the center thanks to what it has an opportunity personally to watch its progress. According to her, more and more Belarusians learn about existence of the center and seek to take part in actions. She thanked the center for a huge contribution to business of strengthening of friendship and mutual understanding, establishment of close cooperation and cultural exchanges between the people of two countries, and also promised that all Belarusian cultural organizations will actively cooperate with the Chinese cultural center in Minsk.

the center were visited A week ago by the director of the National art museum China At Weishan. In the lecture he noted that, despite short existence of the center, he is the representative of great culture with 5000-year history.

On one of the actions organized by the Chinese cultural center in Minsk, the former Minister of Culture of Belarus Boris Svetlov declared the correspondent of information agency "Sinkhua" that for developments communications between China and Belarus it is necessary to strengthen contacts between Belarusian and Chinese the people. He expressed opinion that various cultural actions and exchanges between the countries will promote mutual understanding deepening between their people. Therefore the actions organized by the Chinese cultural center in Minsk, have huge value in developments cultural exchanges between the countries and mutual understandings between the people.

For a year of the existence the center carried out a set of actions which considerably enriched cultural life of local population, having become a fine platform for mutual understanding deepening between the people China and Belarus. Further the Chinese cultural center in Minsk will hold even more interesting events to give the chance to the Belarusian people to get acquainted closer with the Chinese traditions and customs. In the center hope that joint efforts of the Belarusian and Chinese governments cultural exchanges between the countries come to absolutely new level, and the new head of bilateral cooperation will begin.

Boris Svetlov
Last position: Chairman (Belarusian confederation of Creative unions)
Tsimin Tsuy
Ratobylskaya Victoria
Ministry cultures of Republic
Government Agency