The spy, go out. Dreyfus Alfred and conscience

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In December, 1894 began one of the loudest criminal trials, affected all world history

Dreyfus Alfred became at once an example of perversity of mutual responsibility dreadful and bewitching in the absurdity in state machinery for the sake of which lie heat up one on another, support with forgery and cover with falsification. Besides, this criminal trial managed to show at the same time an impressionability, inconstancy and power of public opinion.

the Spy novel

in the Fall of 1894 the French investigation received prenepriyatny news: in the Ministry of Defence the spy bosses. To them into hands fell so-called "bordero" — the cover letter addressed to the German colonel Max von Schwarzkoppen. The note was short.

"Without having news that you want me to see, nevertheless I send you, dear sir, some interesting data. 1 . Data on a hydraulic brake of a 120-millimetric gun and way to which this device copes. 2 . The covers given about armies (some changes will be made to the new plan). 3 . Data on preparing modifications in artillery. 4 . The data concerning Madagascar. 5 . The project of the guide to firing from artillery pieces (on March 14, 1894)" — it was spoken in the document.

Further the anonymous author explained that the last document was very heavy to be got so it can be at its order some days. "Therefore you need to take that you interests from this document, and to return it to me. If you want, I can make the full copy of the document and transfer it to you. Soon I leave for maneuvers" — the author told to the German addressee.

France still did not depart from the devastating French-Prussian war which has come to the end for them full breakdown, loss of Alsace and Region of Lorraine from 20% of all mining and metallurgical stocks of the country and emergence in the neighbourhood of the powerful German empire. Nationalist and revanchist sentiments in France were very strong both among the simple people, and among officials. Investigation diligent began to look for the spy. Already on October 15, 1894 the captain Dreyfus Alfred, the native of Alsace and the Jew by origin was arrested.

the Total dictation of

of Bordero, most likely, fell into hands of French through the female agent working with the cleaner in the German Embassy. The major Zhozef Yuber Henri presented a find to heads of four bureaus of the General Staff. At first for the traitor began to search among gunners, but some of the high-ranking ranks "recognized" similarity of handwriting in bordero with handwriting of the trainee Dreyfus Alfred. "Jew! I had to guess" — the chief of one of sections of the Second bureau — that is military investigation — the colonel Sander Zhan declares.

Dreyfus Alfred was born

in a family of the rich manufacturer in 1859. After defeat of France in war with Prussia in the 1871st Dreyfusa together with 12-year-old Dreyfus Alfred ran from Alsace to Paris. There Dreyfus Alfred graduated from polytechnical school, and then arrived in army the engineer. In the 1889th year at the age of 30 years received a rank of the captain and three years later already served in the General Staff where was the only Jew. The family Dreyfusov was completely assimilated, and still it did not rescue them.


Early in the morning on Saturday December 13 to the captain Dreyfus Alfred delivered the agenda to the house. Him invited to arrive on Monday to the 9th morning to the Ministry of Defence. Dreyfus Alfred was surprised also by the requirement to be dressed in civilian, and morning hour for inspection which usually takes place in the evening. Nevertheless in the morning of Monday the captain Dreyfus Lyusya, having said goodbye to the wife Dreyfus Lyusya and two small children, goes from the house No. 6 on Trokadero's avenue to the ministry on foot on boulevards of Seine — painfully day was serene.

Dreyfus Alfred during the second trials before the military court in Ronne

In Dreyfus Alfred at first meets

, then — du Patya's major de Clam. The last serves in counterintelligence, but Dreyfus Lyusya never saw him before and does not know about it. Dreyfus Lyusya is perplexed: why, except it, more anybody is not present? But obediently goes to an office of the chief of the General Staff of army of the general de Boidefr. The general, of course, on a place is not present. Patya de Clam promises that that will return soon. On the right hand at the major — a black silk glove. He asks Dreyfus Alfred to help it with letter writing to the general as it is hurt allegedly by a finger.

the Text of "dictation" is carefully prepared by

. At some instant there words meet: "I remind you that it is a question about: 1 . Data on a hydraulic brake of a 120-millimetric gun". Soon Patya de Clam finishes experiment by the loud: "You are arrested by a law name, you are accused of high treason".

Pocherkovedchesky examination was more than inconsistent. From three experts-handwriting experts one is convinced of guilt of the Jewish captain, the second fluctuates, the third is sharp against. Searches too do not bring any results, and as a result even itself Patya de Clam is compelled to recognize that evidential base in the matter of Dreyfus Alfred "shaky".

the Public shame

According to the order of the Minister of War Mercier Dreyfus Alfred betrayed to military court. All business investigated at private meetings, but information nevertheless filtered into the press. News of the traitor in the General Staff excited Paris, the clerical and reactionary press which daily published "authentic data" on crimes of the arrested captain especially tried, having dismissed hearings that it admitted guilt. Dreyfus Alfred sounds everywhere.

Unsteadiness of proofs demands

from the Second bureau of specific actions, and soon to judges transfer certain mysterious "file" on Dreyfus Alfred without the knowledge of accused and his defender. It is impossible to disclose materials allegedly for privacy reasons. As later it became clear, it contained the dispatch of the German General Staff to the military attache Shvartskoppen, the letter written by the Italian military attache Panizzardi, a piece of paper on which it was written "this villain D …", and Henri's statement where it retells the offending Dreyfus Alfred the words allegedly said by the ex-attache Spain Wal by Carlos. The major Henry also declared in court that "one very dear person", whose name it refused to tell, in March warned as if a certain officer from the Ministry of Defence is predatelem.

"The same dear person specified that it on a nationality the Jew and is attributed to the Second bureau. Here he, this traitor" — specified it for accused. Henri swore on a crucifixion that is confident in Dreyfus Alfred.

on December 22, 1894 court unanimously recognized by

Dreyfus Alfred guilty of espionage and state change, having sentenced him to deprivation of all ranks and ranks and a lifelong exile. In the morning on January 5 on a parade-ground of Military school even played colourful representation with degrading at a people congestion. Dreyfus Alfred subjected to humiliating procedure during which he continuously exclaimed: "I am innocent". But the crowd only cried out aggressive slogans: "To its Seine! ", "Become silent, Judas! ". Dreyfus Alfred was banished on the Devil's island (the Island of the Devil) to Region of French Guiana near the coast by South America. To his wife forbade to follow for nim.

the Miscarriage of justice

the Traitor is punished by

, and it is not interesting to the press "Dreyfuss's Business", about it gradually forget. The family, of course, continues to fight, the brother condemned Dreyfus Mathieu asks the friend of the family, the writer Lazare Bernar to help to appeal against sentence. From the Jewish diaspora Paris at first is not present any help, and campaign of defenders of the degraded captain while is extremely poor.

In November, 1896 Lazare Bernar publishes a lampoon "The truth about business Dreyfus Mathieu" with a subtitle "One miscarriage of justice" and sends it to members of the Senate and large public figures. From this point, according to Chekhov Anton which those years itself was in Europe, actively and sympathetically watched business, "war" for release Dreyfus Mathieu began. In the first half of 1897 at the initiative of Lazare Bernar carried out public expertize of documents, and nine most authoritative handwriting experts from five countries recognized that Dreyfus Lyusya did not write ill-fated bordero. Will pass nearly ten more years before the captain will finally rehabilitate. While military categorically are not ready to recognize the mistake. Except one person.

The matter is that in the Second bureau meanwhile there were serious transformations. Sander Zhan paralysis broke, on a post of the director it is replaced by those Mari - Pikar Georges who met Dreyfus Mathieu in the General Staff. The new chief of the French investigation never tested pity to accused and, researchers believe, considered him as the good actor. However the administration demanded from the Second bureau "to fill the file" the captain, to make proofs of his fault more powerful. Plainly it was possible to find nothing, and Pikar Georges, only of the high-ranking military management, decided to understand nevertheless business properly, for what soon and poplatilsya.

the Real colonel

In March, 1896 French intercepted Shvartskoppen's letter to the officer Esterkhazi Ferdinand, to the French count a sort from an ancient Hungarian noble family, to the gambler who has run into debt to the whole world. Besides, the paper written by a hand of most Esterkhazi Ferdinand by suspiciously familiar handwriting comes across to the colonel Pikar Georges It became obvious to

what exactly Esterkhazi Ferdinand and are the German agent. Pikar Georges reports on generals de Boidefr, Gonz, Biyo who has replaced Mercier on a post of the Minister of War. But to the colonel order to rumple history. Zhozef Yuber Henri who directed investigation against Dreyfus Mathieu and at that time was the assistant Pikar Georges, also could not allow reconsideration of the case. It fabricated the document where allegedly it was directly spoken about change of the Jewish captain, and presented to the administration.

Pikar was convinced by

Pikar Georges displace from a position, drive across France with small instructions, at it in the apartment carry out searches, then the colonel send to "hot spot" to Governorate of Tunis. Its post was held by Henri. Before departure from Paris Pikar Georges transferred data on the facts found by it to friends through whom about it the vice-chairman of the senate Sherer Auguste - Kestner learned. That was a sort from Alsace and was in opposition to the government. Sherer Auguste - Kestner declared in the senate that Dreyfus Lyusya is innocent, and openly accused Esterkhazi Ferdinand of espionage. But this statement remained the unnoticed country leaders, being afraid to undermine authority of army.

In the French society and on pages of the press the conflict on need of vessels over Esterkhazi Ferdinand inflamed. Eventually process was started, but the count acquitted in January, 1898, having declared the victim of the Jewish intrigues. But the colonel Pikar Georges compelled to resign and put in prison for klevetu.

He accuses

At that time the public and the press were obviously not on the party dreyfusarov. Inclusion in process of the glorified writer Zol Emile became a turning point. On an equal basis with Pikar Georges he became the second person without which intervention Dreyfus Alfred absolutely precisely would finish the days on penal servitude, and the Third republic, probably, at all would cease to exist, having returned to a monarchy. But on January 13, 1898 in the social and liberal Parisian newspaper Klemanso Georges L'Aurore ("Dawn") appeared the publication "I accuse! ". It was the open letter to President of the Republic of France to For Felix.

"Your name — nearly did not tell "board" — saddened a shameful spot — Dreyfus Alfred! — addressed Zol Emile to the president. — The other day the military court, forced by the order, dared to justify notorious Esterkhazi Ferdinand, having impudently trampled on truth and justice. It cannot be crossed out — from now on on a face of France the trace of a shameful slap in the face burns, and in the book of time will be written down that this merzeyshy public crime came true in days of your board".

Zol Emile, without mincing words, accused ministers, the General Staff, military officials and both soldiers of vessels that they consciously forged documents to screen the traitor of Esterkhazi Ferdinand and to put Dreyfus Alfred. He noted that "to this laid a hand" and the former Minister of War, the general Mercier, both his successor Biyo, and the chief of the General Staff general de Boidefr, and the assistant Chief of Staff general Gonz.

Zol Emile in detail describes mockeries to which Dreyfus Lyusya at a consequence stage was exposed, thus calls the true traitor of Esterkhazi Ferdinand "swindler" in the sense that data transferred to them did not cost the eaten-away egg, it is therefore strange that case about bordero investigated in the conditions of the most strict privacy.

"If the traitor opened

to the enemy of border of the country and brought the German emperor to the Notre Dame de Paris bottom, and then probably hearing of business would not be surrounded with more dense veil of secrecy and silence" — sneered Zol Emile.

It urged to study attentively the indictment to understand: it is constructed from scratch, and to condemn on its basis was lawlessness top. "There is no decent person who would not test, reading this document, indignation and anger at thought of unreasonably heavy punishment which has comprehended the prisoner Chertov of the island" — the writer declared.

the Extremely important was also that business was solved "in a family way", in a narrow circle of colleagues: the staff administration made a consequence, the staff administration suited the first, and then and the second court. Zol Emile it was convinced that Dreyfus Lyusya fell the victim of ardent imagination of the major Patya de Clam, "impregnated with spirit of clericalism of the environment surrounding it, and persecution of "dirty Jews", dishonoring our century".

Zol Emile especially noted investigation Pikar Georges, having concluded that generals Gonz, de Boidefr and Biyo were sure of guilt of Esterkhazi Ferdinand and that damned bordero he wrote. But condemnation of Esterkhazi Ferdinand inevitably would attract reconsideration of the case of Dreyfus Alfred that in any way could not be allowed. "The reason refuses to trust! Here a year as the general Biyo, generals de Boidefr and Gonz know that Dreyfus Lyusya is innocent, and keep this terrible secret! And they sleep peacefully, and they have wives and beloved children! " — was perplexed Zol Emile.

He accused Patya de Clam that that made a miscarriage of justice and within three years persisted in the delusion, the general Mercier — that he became a helper "one of the greatest lawlessness" centuries, and generals Biyo, de Boidefr and Gonz — that indisputable proofs of innocence of Dreyfus Alfred hid. The first, according to Zol Emile, was induced by "political reasons" and desire "to rescue the Supreme command which has compromised", the second went to a crime owing to commitment of church, the third — "submitting to the law of mutual responsibility thanks to which Military department turned into a pure, untouchable shrine".

Zolya Emile perfectly understood that brings itself under articles 30 and 31 of the Code about the press, that is under prosecution for lie and slander distribution. "I consciously give myself in a justice charge" — the writer declared.

He was not mistaken. The letter had effect of the become torn bomb. In one capital in only some hours 200 thousand copies of the newspaper were sold. Zolya Emile accused of an insult of the French army and military vessels, on it opened case on a defamation, and in a month court jurors found the writer guilty, having sentenced to the maximum punishment — year of prison and a penalty in 3 thousand francs. Zolya Emile ran to England, but court over the world famous author drew again attention of people to Dreyfus Alfred. Furious disputes on guilt or innocence of the degraded captain extended far away from France, business was discussed by all Europe. In the most Third republic society broke up in two, wrote even that it destroyed some semyi.

Theatre of absurdity


formed "League of human rights". The leader of the French socialist party Zhores Zhan, and also Klemanso Georges and Zolya Emile headed fight. Clerical and reactionary circles created anti-Semitic "League of the French fatherland". On pages of newspapers and on French cuisines behind family dinners furious disputes proceed. The letter Zolya Emile did not help to put the end to a question.

I here personnel shifts in military department played again a role, as well as in a case with Pikar Georges. Jacques Kavenyak became the new Minister of War. It was ardent antidreyfusary and the defender of the General Staff, even delivered a speech in confirmation of Dreyfus Alfred. Here only it constructed it entirely on a forgery which was fabricated by the lieutenant colonel Henry. When it was opened, the minister — or out of personal pride, or from interests of justice — could not reconcile to it. It personally interrogated Henri, was convinced that the document was counterfeit, ordered to arrest the lieutenant colonel. After that Kavenyak retired . His career was razrushena.

on August 30, 1898 Avas news agency reported about Henri's arrest. It sent to Maun-Valeryen fortress where next day it committed suicide.

of Columns Esterkhazi Ferdinand ran away to London. There he publicly admitted what exactly he wrote bordero for which Dreyfus Lyusya still was on penal servitude.

Max von Schwarzkoppen for whom spied Esterkhazi Ferdinand, through the press declared that worked only with it and never had affairs with Dreyfus Alfred. About it officially reported even the German government.

Wildness of a situation reached the apogee, reconsideration of the case became inevitability. Pikar Georges who spoke as the key witness of protection at process Zol Emile, unbound, Zolya Emile returned to Paris, the general Mercier accused of illegal transfer of the secret file on Dreyfus Alfred to military court. Dreyfus Alfred seemed predetermined.

But far from it. The huge part of society demanded new vessels, but the decision on revision nevertheless led to rough anti-Semitic demonstrations, on life of the defender Dreyfus Alfred by name Laborie were made attempt. On reconsideration of the case witnesses of charge — entirely generals and officers of army — it is delightful ridiculously adhered to the former indications. The question of guilt of Esterkhazi Ferdinand did not rise at all. "That bordero on the basis of which Dreyfus Lyusya is condemned, was not presented in cassation court" is improbable and unprecedented — the socialist Zhores Zhan spoke.

on September 9, 1899 the military court three voices from five pronounced a conviction to Dreyfus Alfred, but to break fall, appointed to it only ten years of imprisonment, five of which it already left.

the Triumphal failure


were in rage, having counted it as defeat in political struggle. They were supported by world community, in twenty countries of the world passed the anti-French demonstrations, the press of United Kingdom, United States of America, Russian Federation published the materials expressing indignation of the solution of vessels. The government decided to pardon urgently Dreyfus Alfred who by that moment already wrote the cassation complaint. His many supporters were against the application on pardon as believed that Dreyfus Lyusya thus indirectly admits the guilt. But the family of the captain wanted to see his houses. He was amnestied in September of the same year.

Only in 1903 the captain nevertheless submitted to

the cassation complaint, demanded new investigation which came to the end only in July, 1906, 12 years later after arrest. The appeal court proclaimed that certificates against Dreyfus Alfred were absolutely unreasonable, it completely rehabilitated, having restored in all rights. Only then rehabilitated also Mari - Pikar Zhozef, having appropriated a rank of the brigade general.

Dreyfus Lyusya returned to army, having been entitled the major, but because of the health undermined on penal servitude in a year resigned . In 1908 during transferring of ashes Zol Emile at the Pantheon in it shot antidreyfusar. During World War I Dreyfus Lyusya served in the French army and ended war in a rank of the lieutenant colonel, having received the highest award — an award of the Honourable legion. In 1935 him buried as the national hero, with all military pochestyami.

the Public conflict because of Dreyfus Alfred, however, which managed to come up on a surface thanks to the free — more — the French press and activity of defenders of the captain, prevented monarchy restoration in France. The law of 1905 on final office of church from the state became result of this loud process. Clericals and monarchists lost any influence, key posts departed them to opponents. Besides, business became one of the key factors which have led to Zionism of Gertsl, considered that it is safer to Jews to live in the own state.

Chekhov Anton, fixedly watching process and Zolya Emile, saw in the case of Dreyfus Alfred symptoms of a deep illness and human nature, both impressionable society, and ruling modes. "When in us something is not fine, we look for the reasons out of us and we find soon: "It is the Frenchman spoils, these are kikes, this is Wilhelm" … The capital, zhupel, masons, syndicate, Jesuits — is ghosts but as they facilitate our concern! They, of course, omen of misfortune. Time French started talking about kikes, about syndicate, it means that they feel not all right that the worm was brought to them that they need these ghosts to calm the vzbalamuchenny conscience" — wrote Chekhov Anton.

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