In Grozny the All-Russian tournament on free-style wrestling among young men of memory of Adlan Varayev came to the end

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In sport center "Olimpiysk" came to the end the All-Russian tournament on free-style wrestling among young men of 2000-2002 of river of memory of the honored trainer Russian Federation, the Honoured Master of Sports of the USSR Varaev Adlan.

© Sadulaev Musa / news agencies %26%23034grozny-inform%26%23034

took part In competitions fighters from Republic of Dagestan, Republic of Ingushetia, Ossetia, Moscow, Moscow region, Saint Petersburg, Stavropol territory, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and other regions.

Tournament was held by

for the purpose of perpetuating of memory of Adlan Varayev, strengthening of friendly and sports communications between athletes; patriotism and revival education and developments national traditions.


During two competitive on about three days wrestling mats of the young man showed adult fight and competent tactics of conducting fight in 11 weight categories and revealed winners and prize-winners.

In the performance after completion of final fights, the president of Federation of wrestling of ChR Buvaysa Saytiev noted that Varaev Adlan was and remains very significant figure in the wrestling world.

- It the first of Chechens won the Olympic medal. Varaev Adlan the first President of ChR, Hera very much respected Russian Federation Akhmad Kadyrov. At will Supreme, Varaev Adlan among us are not present, but it remains at us in memory, as one of the brightest and worthy sons of the Chechen people (Gave gech Doyle tsunna). Today young men, as well as always, showed very spectacular fight. Battling for each point and fighting until the last second. We hope that this tournament becomes good opportunity for participants to show the abilities, to see mistakes in the fight and will serve for them as a good lesson for further professional growth. I am grateful to all who took part in its organization and carrying out competitions, - Buvaysa Saytiev emphasized. - It is sure that tournament becomes annual, and the geography of its participants will increase.

Winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian tournament on free-style wrestling among young men of 2000-2002 r memories of ZT Russian Federation, the Honoured Master of Sports of the USSR Varaev Adlan:

the First places won

: 42 kg - Eltamirov Mahomed (ChR), 46 kg - Dagirov Magomedrasul (Republic of Dagestan), 50 kg - the Fox Matvei (Saint Petersburg), 54kg - Abdurakhmanov Magomed (Saint Petersburg), 58 kg of t - Magomedov Magomedali (Astrakhan), 63 kg - Akhmedov Amir (Republic of Dagestan), 69 kg - Yusupov Adam (Saint Petersburg), 76 kg - Magomaev Magomed (ChR), 85 kg - Myamaev Abdula (Republic of Dagestan), 100 kg - Shovlokhov Nodar and 120 kg - Tebloyev Atsamas (Republic of North Ossetia-Alania).

the Second places took: Saydubatalov Islam, Akhmadov Timirlan, Muslimov Rizvan, Timirbekov Rashidkhan, Ibragimov Magomedkhabib, Matsikov Anzor and Saydulbatalov Islam (Republic of Dagestan), Maltsagov Islam and Ependiev Bekkhan (ChR), Tashukhadzhiev Amkhad (Saint Petersburg), Kartoyev Islam and Dovtmirziyev Akroman (Republic of Ingushetia).

Bronze prize-winners became: Mourad Musaibovich Islamov, Abubakarov Turpal, Khamidov Ahmed, Umarov Ahmed, Umarov Shakhid, Aydaev Yusup - Hajjs, Davletmurzaev Isa, Eldarkhanov Hassan and Ozdamirov Bekkhan (ChR); Dzhandarov Magomed and Yevloev Mourad (Republic of Ingushetia); Kozharov Rezuan (Kabardino-Balkar Republic), Rakhimov Magomedrasul (Uzbekistan); Saritov Buvaysar, Saipov Askhab, Baytazaev Israil, Kudiev Abdumazhid, Osmanov Suleyman, Aziev Ahmed, Magomedov Shamil, Aliev Shamil, Magomedov Shamil Gadzhi Ahmed (Republic of Dagestan).


Akhmad Kadyrov
Main activity:Politician
Buvaisa Khamidovich Saytiev
Last position: Deputy (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Varaev Adlan
Sadulaev Musa