In the face of thousands of audience at the Chinese stadium shot criminals

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On stadiums in Longfeng (China) in the face of thousands of locals shot 10 drug dealers, robbers and murderers.

Gun. Weapon.
Gun. Weapon. Photo: CC0.

Since June, 2017 it already the third public execution which on a plan of the authorities China, has to bring up negative attitude to crime in society, writes information portal "L!" .

of Locals invited to stadium in advance through social networks. Video imprinted approving reaction of citizens to emergence of trucks with a police escort and sentenced. After the sentence announcement on loud-speaking communication of criminals removed on one and executed.

Seven of them traded in drug traffic, three were sentenced to execution for robberies and murders, writes Russian information company "URA.Ru".

Execution of death sentences to China differentially. Condemned for nonviolent crimes — swindlers, bribe takers — receive, as a rule, a deadly injection. Murderers and drug dealers usually are expected by execution.