Board of directors PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" approved Strategy of Companies till 2022

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the Main theses of the document defining the areas of work of corporation for the next five years, were announced in June, 2017 at a meeting of the Chief executive officer PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" Igor Sechin with President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, and then presented to the public.
of the Photo: Biyatov Eugenie / RIA Novosti news agency

Experts PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" for half a year - from June to December - worked possible scenarios of development, carried out a comprehensive assessment of operating trends in oil and gas branch and in economy as a whole and, after careful calculations, chose the most effective ways of achievement of the sounded purposes.

the Document provides increase in profitability businesses and returns from the main assets at the expense of an intensification of their development, on implementation of key projects and change of administrative model that will allow new technologies are accelerated to duplicate focus and to transfer company to qualitatively new level taking into account calls of a digital era.

"the Task of companies for 5 years is the increase in return from assets and projects in the conditions of serious volatility of environment due to developments service businesses, decrease in expenses, creations of steady technological advantages, digitalizations, controls behind material streams", - were declared "Rosneft" chapter PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" by Igor Sechin after the adoption of strategy by Board of directors.


It is planned that implementation of the five-year plan of developments will add 15-20% to operating capitalization of companies by 2022. Also PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" expects to receive an additional free cash flow of 420 billion rubles from realization of new strategy the next five years, including 180 billions in a production segment.

PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" plans to increase production of liquid hydrocarbons (oil and gas condensate) on 30 million tons within strategy till 2022, declared during strategy presentation to Sochi "Rosneft" chapter PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" Igor Sechin.

the First vice-president of companies on economy and finance Fedorov Pawel noted that there are three subjects uniting the purposes for all business segments of companies. The first - an intensification, that is receiving bigger return, application of new work practice in production. The second is a performance of tasks in accurately planned terms within the planned budgets, increase of efficiency, motivation of the management and the employees. The third subject, according to him, is cultural and technological transformation businesses, digitalization, use modern the practician of management.

Big changes are planned by

in production sector. In companies declared increase in commercial speeds of drilling, in particular, the share of horizontal drilling of wells has to increase by a third - to 40%. About 98% of success of prospecting works on land thanks to development technologies and to innovative solutions are thus planned to provide.

As it is noted by

in "Rosneft" materials PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT", company intends to replace not less than 100% of extracted liquid hydrocarbons. By 2022 the corporation intends to bring production volume due to organic growth to 250 million tons or even more, Fedorov Pawel declared. Building will happen partly due to development of new perspective projects - Vankorsky and Erginsky clusters, the Russian and North Komsomol fields.

the Synergetic effect from acquisition of a control share in PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY JOINT-STOCK OIL COMPANY "BASHNEFT" already made 45 billion rubles, 105 billions more from a synergy PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" intends to receive during the period from 2018 to 2022, the representative of companies told. Receipt of the remained 20 billion rubles of synergetic effect is expected after 2022.

the Company also is going to pay to

special attention of petrochemical branch. Demand for petrochemistry grows in the world all quicker every year therefore in "Rosneft" decided not to miss possible prospects in this segment: in companies intend to bring its share to 20% of all volume of refinery capacities.

will finance thus projects due to design financings. One of them - production polyolefins by means of conversion of natural gas in Eastern Siberia. Creation of petrochemical complexes is planned in the Volga region and in Far East. Besides, in companies tell about prospects in this area to India, Indonesia, China.

One more strategic area of work PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" - gas business. In 2016 company became the largest independent producer of gas to Russian Federation, and on production came to the sixth place in the world among the public companies. In the next three years from implementation of the main projects on gas production expect increase in a cash flow and increase in a share in the gas market Russian Federation to 20% at production of 100 billion cubic meter.

plan commissioning of a number of new projects: Rospan, Harampur, Kynsko-Chaselsky group of fields. According to the vice-president PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" Wladyslaw Rusakova, company studies possibilities of developments supply of the Russian gas through PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GAZPROM".

PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" it strongly intends to introduce digital technologies at all stages of production. Technological development and digitalization in all spheres of activity are one of the important Strategy-2022 elements. Such programs as "digital field", "digital plant", "digital chain of deliveries", "digital gas station" which will allow to automate processes, to increase reliability and profitability of productions, to reduce losses, say, to approach company to technologies the future - convenient and safe are realized.

"Strategy PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" puts before company the real purposes and specifies optimum ways of their achievement. It is obvious that all current macroeconomic trends were considered, considerable work on all directions" is done, - the director of Fund of progressive policy Bondarenko Oleg considers. The expert emphasized that PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" presented one of the most ambitious strategy among the Russian business corporations, the document completely answers those to calls which face at a today's stage oil and gas branch.

"It is the most worked strategy in branch, - are noted by the director of the Center of political information Mukhin Aleksey, - behind each its thesis there are real calculations are not mere, declarative allegations which pretty often meet in such documents. It is the strong strategic base, allowing to carry out break in development companies, the document in which production capabilities of all business segments are considered that allows to reach, as a result, optimum financial results".

Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
1 689
Igor Sechin
Last position: Chief executive officer, chairman of the board, board member (PJSC Rosneft)
Vlada Rusakova
Last position: Board member (PJSC Rosneft)
Aleksey Alekseevich Mukhin
Last position: Director general of the Center of political information (Regional non-governmental organization "Center politicheskoy informatsii")
Biyatov Eugenie
PJSC Gazprom
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water
PJSC Rosneft
Main activity:Mining
PJSC JSOC Bashneft
Main activity:Activity of hotels and restaurants