Ольга Рыпакова – лучшая спортсменка Казахстана 2017 года по версии informburo.kz

Героиня трёх последних Олимпиад победила в опросе Informburo.kz...
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Julia Galysheva
Last position: The professional athlete on skiing
Islam Bayramukov
Last position: The ombudsman on sport - the non-staff adviser (Ministry cultures of Republic of Kazakhstan)
Kayrat Orazbaevich Biekenov
Last position: Ski jumping head coach of the national team of Kazakhstan (Nongorvernmental organization "Federatsiya pryzhkov na lyzhakh s tramplina i lyzhnogo dvoyeborya Respubliki Kazakhstan")
FC "Astana"
Main activity:Culture and sports
Administration office physical culture and sport
National Olympic committee