Tyva Republic sets the tone in complex cadastral works – Filippov Semen, municipal duma Yakutsk

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Tuva sets the tone in complex cadastral works – Semyon Filippov, municipal duma of Yakutsk Tyva Republic finishes complex cadastral works , planned to performance within the federal program for 2017. Tyva Republic, the Astrakhan and Belogorodsky areas became pioneers in this new type of works. The ministry of the land and property relations of Tyva Republic successfully protected means and effectively organized performance of work, representatives of the city district of Yakutsk are convinced. The representative delegation of the twin-city led by Filippov Semen, the vice-chairman of City Council Yakutsk, the head "Sakhagiprozem", by the invitation of Chapter Kyzyl Dina Oyun visited Tyva Republic to study republic experience.

" We the managements of the Ministry of the land and property relations delighted with professionalism, your cadastral engineers, how this work is put! – emphasized, speaking at session of the Hural of representatives Filippov Semen. is a difficult type of work, and we, frankly speaking, did not decide to participate in the first year. Now protected means for the next year and, excuse, "thrust" to you to adopt republic experience, to get acquainted with all risks, difficulties, options of their overcoming. Our meetings in the Ministry of the land and property relations, participation in work of the working commission on controversial questions, communication with cadastral engineers of the republic convince that Tyva Republic managed to execute very effectively this new type of works, to become pioneers in this complex action. The earth is a basis only. And, of course, complex cadastral works remove those controversial questions which, unfortunately, in connection with insufficient attention to the cadastral sphere arose in recent years. It is very important that the foundation is laid. And thanks to Tyva Republic for this invaluable experience"

During 2017 within Complex cadastral works already performed works on 106 of 109 quarters . Data are verified, questions on borders of the land plots are removed, many of which were actually changed. Budget Kyzyl in connection with data to specifications will annually receive additional 2 million rubles.

For the regional authorities complex cadastral works are the instrument of territorial planning, filling of budgets and increases of investment appeal, note in Federal Registration Service.

"Complex cadastral works are extremely necessary for

for ensuring interests of owners, filling of regional budgets and developments territories, – marks out the deputy. directors of Federal cadastral chamber Konstantin Aleksandrovich Litvintsev. – However mass cadastral works are rather expensive for budgets. We hope that new technologies, such as a fotogrammetrichesky method, will allow to simplify and reduce the price of these works".

Dina Oyun
Last position: Senator from legislative (representative) public authority of the Republic of Tyva (Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Filippov Semen