"News small businesses": In Saint Petersburg "prosecution" of shop trailers proceeds

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of traffic polices fines the owner of NTO for a parking on the sidewalk, and officials endlessly change rules of the Scheme of placement.


the main report was made by the chairman of the board of NP "Soyuz malykh predpriyaty Saint Petersburg" Menshikov Vladimir. According to its information, at a set of various problems of one of the main there is a placement of non-stationary trade objects. "In the placement scheme businessmen receive places at auctions, - he told. – The person wins, pays considerable money, puts shop trailer on the sidewalk, and then there come traffic polices and fines it. The second problem – an exception of the placement scheme. To the businessman do not prolong contract and do not offer other alternative place. The such national entertainment – periodically to change rules of the game. Also the businessman can fine if on object information on operating time of a stall and its owner is not placed. Thus there is a federal law "About trade" which removes this problem, but it does not act on the territory of the cities of federal value".

according to the vice-chairman of KIO Alexander Semchukov, in the city enough floor spaces, besides NTO spoil a type of city spaces. As the correspondent "News reports small businesses", businessmen disagreed with him - participants of hearings. In their opinion, more than 80% of floor spaces are networks where not any businessman can get. "NTO it is valid, a big problem, - the federal representative on protection of the rights of businessmen Boris Titov joined in dialogue. – It is necessary to deal with each object separately and to look for the compromise solution. Small and medium business is necessary to the country. We have to develop all sectors of economy". The business ombudsman considers that the law on trade collecting allowed to rehabilitate conscientious businessmen if it correctly to use, establishing trade collecting only on the price goods, excluding VAT. It also supported KKT introduction. "We postponed the date of introduction of KKT since July 1 for the fall, - it shared, - and by that solved a cost problem. The cost of control and cash equipment fell on July 2 from 60 000 rub to 15 000 rub. Producers simply raised the prices, exploiting the solution of the state".

Also Boris Titov assured

that movement of cars, including shop trailers, on the sidewalk is not violation of the rules traffics. "We have an answer of the deputy minister Ministries of Internal Affairs Gorovoy Alexander who just is responsible for this sphere", - he reported and promised to send letter copies to the Petersburg Management of traffic polices and to the regional business ombudsman.


: © News small businesses

Alexander Semchukov
Last position: The chief of the department of FNS of Russia across the Arkhangelsk region and the Nenets Autonomous Area
Boris Titov
Menshikov Vladimir
Gorovoy Alexander