"Diamonds of Tsirtsei": Velikanova Helena and Shchegolev Maxime

@Magnitogorskij Metall
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Text: Battalov Bernar

the Artist-restorer Korzukhin Alexander again get into scrape with riddles and adventures. This time the heroine of the movie not only will open a long-term secret of the Dutch master, but also will twirl an office romance.

the Premiere of the detective story "Diamonds of Tsirtsei" watch on TV channel "TVTS" on Saturday, December 16, at 17:20.

Korzukhin Alexander (Velikanova Helena) near the killed thief recidivist finds

fragments of a wooden carved panel of the XVII century In the building of the thrown estate. From this point Korzukhin Alexander becomes the involuntary participant of deadly competition for possession an artifact which is not only a work of art, but also a key to a solution of family secret about infinite treasures...

- From this series Korzukhin Alexander become the official consultant in Committee of inquiry, - the director Shtrom Oleg tells. - And frequent communication Korzukhina Alexandra with Grekov (Shchegolev Maxime) in spite of the fact that the investigator is married, soon lead to the romantic relations of heroes. However, the son Bilan Dimitri (Saprykin Maxime) - the only thing that Grekova and his wife (Gerasimova Victoria) unites.

… Bilan Dimitri learns that the father left a family not just like that, not mother, and to other girl - to the favourite colleague Korzukhina Alexandra …

- And at this moment, despite need to deal with murders, our hero appears between the devil and the deep sea, - the director specifies. - The family drama stirs Grekova in investigation of the confused business.

Panel triptych

on ancient samples, manually were made by artists of the project.

- Two parts, to our regret, it was necessary to destroy practically, - the director continues. - The only picture which has remained on a plot also becomes a hunting subject.

… During the investigation there is an obvious: for those who wished to find a panel, searches become fatal …

to Heroes of the movie it will be possible to prove that for a train of the death connected with a triptych, there were no bases. And all misfortunes occurred only because of human conjectures and avidity. Greeks and Korzukhina Alexandra, having opened business, will find out that the picture, how many history and the secret of a family of the Dutch master put in it the author Van Guizi is not so valuable.

By the way, in actor's ensemble of the project replenishment: one of key roles in this history was played by Obolonkov Ilya.

- the Character Obolonkov Ilya in our history acts under different masks, appearing that as the antiquary, the hero lover and even the militiaman in the beat! As Obolonkov Ilya admitted, it is his first experience when in one movie it appears in different images therefore the actor with pleasure acted in the project, - smiles Shtrom Oleg. - And, on a make-up of the actor left from one to two hours.

On a plan of screenwriters the outcome of the movie had to be removed on the old thrown bridge.

- the Suitable place we long could not find. Shootings were under the threat of failure! Having visited all Moscow region, as a result, the necessary object found absolutely nearby - near a film studio "Mosfilm". The history with the bridge is similar to the detective story, - the director speaks. - Often we look for the criminal far, and he appears nearby, so happened and to the bridge through Xietun small river. In September when actively there were shootings, in the capital there were rains, and the only sunny day dropped out on shootings of final episode on that bridge.

Key film frames removed

in the estate "Znamenskoye-Sadki" that is in the Area of Butovo. It is the former estate of princes situated near Moscow Trubetskoy - a favourite place of directors and operators for shootings. For example, in former years in the territory of the estate shot movies "My Tender and Gentle Animal", "Doctor Zhivago" and the clip "Monsters in Your Head" Bilan Dimitri.

is a remarkable place for cinema every year everything becomes worse and worse, - Shtrom Oleg speaks. - Once here the balcony, walls were still "live", there was a grand piano and a huge sofa with a magnificent wall. Now here all in a deplorable state. In the movie even the phrase sounds:" The thrown estate, and any reconstruction". Present ruins are ideally suited for scenery, but properly there are a strong wish that the estate restored. Yes, we will lose cine object, but near Moscow there will be a restored unique place.

of the Photo to statye

Dimitri Nikolaevich Bilan
Last position: Singer, composer, actor
Ilya Obolonkov
Last position: Actor
Velikanova Helena
Shchegolev Maxime
Korzukhina Alexandra