Sergei Ten: it is necessary to get back to idea of creation of Irkutsk agglomeration

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Need to get back to idea of creation of agglomeration Irkutsk, Angarsk and Shelekhov, once the moving ahead ex-governor Irkutsk region Alexander Tishanin. The deputy declared to journalists it on December 11 State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from Irkutsk region Sergei Ten.
– to These need to be engaged in br, – he noted. – People leave from the North, they want to live in big cities. It is necessary to create for them opportunities for comfortable life.

It emphasized that this agglomeration can become one of 38, created in Russian Federation.

thus the deputy reported that next year the law on agglomerations is planned to submit State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for consideration to Russian Federation as now this concept in any way documentary is not settled.