A secret of the empire of Incas and mysterious "soldiers of clouds" is revealed

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The analysis of DNA of inhabitants of mountain areas Peru showed that many tribes of mountaineers long were at war with the empire of Incas at the time of its blossoming, but did not obey them even after a gain of their territories.

A secret of the empire of Incas and mysterious is revealed

"Genomes of inhabitants of the province Chachapoyas comprise big impregnations of DNA of ancient Indians in spite of the fact that this region was won and won Spaniards. Moreover, their structure considerably differs from how genes of inhabitants of the central and southern Peru are arranged where there was a center of the empire of Incas and where genomes of all people were evenly "mixed" by them. It seems that the part of genetic heritage of mountaineers from Chachapoyas endured "attacks" of Incas and lived up to now" — Chiara Barbieri from Institute of studying of history of mankind in Yen (Germany) declared.

It agrees to the Spanish chronicles, Indians-chachapoyas so persistently resisted to armies of Incas that those had to move the remains of mountain tribes on the territory of all empire. After that "soldiers of clouds" disappeared. These events occurred shortly before invasion of conquistadors, and therefore Spaniards paid to them attention.

However according to results of researches, the Spanish hronist could be mistaken about a total disappearance of mountaineers from Chachapoyas. Scientists deciphered DNA of several hundred modern inhabitants of this part Peru and other regions of the country, and having compared them to the device of a genome of Incas, in whose remains enough of "scraps" of DNA remained.

It is comparison opened some unexpected features in structure of DNA of inhabitants of the province Chachapoyas who forced scientists to doubt justice of notes of the Spanish chroniclers.

For example, it appeared that for modern mountaineers much higher level of a genetic variety, than for inhabitants of other regions Peru was characteristic, and also they more often appeared carriers of "Indian" versions of genes, than other inhabitants Central America, considered today descendants of inhabitants of the empire of Incas, reports information agency "RIA Novosti" with reference to article published in edition "Scientific Reports".

Besides, it became clear

that inhabitants of the region were not close relatives of the people next to them speaking on kechua, and also farther people living in Ecuador and other peripheral sites of the former empire of Incas. Moreover, the analysis of "man's" Y-chromosomes shows that lines of many inhabitants of the region did not interrupt on an extent more than 20 generations. Therefore, scientists believe, Incas did not manage to move all inhabitants of mountain areas. Mountaineers besides did not mix up neither with Incas, nor with Spaniards. And it, researchers consider, will help geneticists to restore history of moving of Indians in Central America and South America.


As were reported earlier Pravda.ru, excavation to Peru allowed scientists to draw a conclusion that the New World was populated on some thousands of years earlier, than it is considered to be. They came to such conclusion, having found in a course of excavation to Peru surprising artifacts.

the Data received by experts, grant the right to claim that the ancient civilization in this region developed already 15 thousand years ago.

of Excavation there passed near the well-known pyramids in a valley Chicama. Archeologists found food remains, stone instruments of labor and other traces of existence of culture of ancient people, including baskets and the fabrics decorated with patterns. Quality and style of production of artifacts allowed to assume that the ancient civilization developed prompt rates.

were Changed by finds and earlier existing assumptions of how the first people came to this earth. Earlier was considered that ancestors of Indians or other groups of kromanyonets migrated here from Siberia through the ground existing on a place of the modern Bering Strait. The last genetic researches say that America could be populated from the South as a result of movement of ancestors of Indians on islands Polynesia.