Sitnitsa Grigory about a new memorial in Kuropatakh: It seems that all decided to lower on brakes

@Belorusskij partizan
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Who from the Belarusian artists takes part in creation of the sketch of a memorial which on an idea of the authorities has to appear in Kuropatakh?

Grigory Sitnitsa about a new memorial in Kuropatakh: It seems that all decided to lower on brakes
"Belorussky partizan" asked on it the chairman of the Belorussoky union of artists Sitnitsa Grigory.
- Already so many these sketches are made by

speaks. - Even at me on a table one phenomenal project of a memorial lies. Simple, quite economic.
However today it is hard to say, whether any memorial is planned to do to

in Kuropatakh. Earlier about it constantly spoke on the TV, the Ministry of Culture announced competition for which actively submitted applications. It was planned that the result will be declared within a month. But everything somehow quieted down because in parallel the newspaper "SB.<"5>" Belarus today" declared national fund raising on memorial improvement in Kuropatakh. And it lasts to this day...
Some artists sent to

. I was interested in the ministry when the result because competition took place will be declared, and it turns out that we already violate conditions. But the Ministry of Culture is in every possible way fenced off from this subject and recommends all questions to ask Yakubovich Pawel.

Ya I think, maybe, in general decided everything to lower on brakes. .

Some vyskazyayut the regret that supposedly is not present any public discussion and nobody knows, what works moved on this competition from what finally it is possible to choose. And the public glosovaniye could define, what project is better.

But I divide such approach. Also would not risk to do these public discussions and to rely on opinion of the inhabitant because as practice shows, choose usually not the best. Other question that there can be professional, and quite extensive discussion.

But a question that today and to professionals, unfortunately, there is nothing to discuss. .
of the Former Minister of Culture Belarus Boris Svetlov could "ask

" was sounded by the known Belarusian artist Marochkin Aleksey.

By the way, Marochkin Aleksey headed jury open public competitions on the best project on a memorilization Kuropat. Preliminary results competitions are brought long ago.
"We already made by

, wrote out diplomas, - the artist tells. – In parallel with us competition carried out and Yakubovich Pawel. But results while are not present. In any case, they are not sounded publicly. I think that because of Kuropat could and to oust Boris Svetlov
Boris Svetlov
Last position: Chairman (Belarusian confederation of Creative unions)
Sitnitsa Grigory
Yakubovich Pawel
Marochkin Aleksey