The advertizing group OTM will offer advertisers a football content on Internet
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the New product allows to publish advertizing not only on the thematic websites devoted to soccer, but also special pages on this tematike


in the conditions of deficiency of advertizing stock on TV in the period of presidential election and the FIFA World Cup to advertisers should be gathered additionally missing audience on Internet, predict in the OTM advertizing and technological group. In companies count that in these conditions at media agencies management of advertizing in a "football" content will be demanded. The group offered product the "Soccer" which subscribers will get access to advertizing stock more than 50 thematic sites and over 500 specialized pages with a football content.

"Increase in demand for a football content both from users, and from advertisers will result in 2018 in deficiency of TV advertizing that provokes interest to placement in a thematic content on Internet. The second reason for which in the 2018th available volumes of advertizing stock will decrease in comparison with this year, there are elections President of the Russian Federation: TV channels are obliged to allocate time under pre-election campaign that will affect presence of brands on air. At last, media inflation which on TV in the 2017th was much higher, than on Internet becomes the third factor of growth: 16%, according to National advertizing alliance, against 7-10%, according to Group M. Already now media agencies note that the advertizing stock on TV in the first half of the year of the 2018th is sold almost out and many advertisers already gather additionally missing audience in a network", – director general explains companies to Video Target (enters OTM) Mysina Irina.

"During large sporting and political events the increased demand for traditional advertizing media has

the most direct impact on media planning. In a situation when traditional media channels do not cope with the increased loading, brands should correct the media plans, increasing the budgets allocated for communications with Internet audience. We count that developed OTM the specialized tool, allowing to isolate from a media field football content on mobile devices, will help agencies with the solution of communication tasks which brands set for them next year", – the founder of the OTM Lazarev Dimitri notes.

the New product "Soccer" is developed by

on the basis of existing functionality of the pro-grammatical OTM platform. Fundamental difference of "Soccer" from standard selections on classroom segments and interests of users is that the OTM platform allows to publish advertizing not only on the thematic websites devoted to soccer, but also to get access to advertizing stock of specialized pages which large portals give for this subject.

the OTM Pro-grammatical platform targets advertizing campaigns on audience as sections, and the subsections devoted to soccer. Using contextual targeting and analyzing semantics of the page according to the list of keywords, the system (bidder) selects available stock for a brand and in an automatic mode operates rates at placement banner and video advertizing. Subscribers of "Soccer" get access to advertizing stock more than 50 thematic sites and over 500 specialized pages with a football content.