Prosecutor's office of the Gavrilov Posad district of the Ivanovo region held the state charge of the relation of the local recidivist who has made in an alcohol intoxication assault on the 77-year-old man

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by Court it is established that 18.03.2017 in the evening earlier judged local was in the apartment of the acquaintances in the village of Novoselk of Gavrilov Posad district where with them drank alcoholic drinks. When the alcohol ended, the man left the apartment, for the purpose of alcohol acquisition, however it did not get, in this regard he decided to make open plunder someone else's property by illegal penetration into the dwelling.

the Man returned to the apartment of the acquaintance, took a metal corner and went to the house located nearby in the same village where the elderly married couple lives.

Having got into the specified house, the local started beating the 77-year-old man sleeping in the room with the requirement to give it the money which is available in the house. However the elderly person did not give money.

Then, the malefactor started looking for money on house rooms, but money did not find, and left others dwelling with anything.

According to the conclusion of the forensic scientist to the victim injuries in the form of a wound in parietal area of the head, fractures of four edges, brain concussion are caused to

. Fractures of edges belong to category of the damages which have done harm to health of average weight on the basis of long frustration of health.

the man Earlier repeatedly judged for deliberate crimes fault in made a crime did not recognize


Taking into account a position of the party of the state charge which submitted in court incontestable proofs of guilt of the defendant, court sentenced the malefactor for the commission of crime, the provided h. 3 Art. 162 UK (robbery, that is attack for plunders someone else's property, with application of violence, life-threatening and health, with application of the subject used as the weapon, with illegal penetration into the dwelling) by 9 years of imprisonment, with restriction of freedom for 1 year, with punishment serving in a colony of a high security.

the Sentence did not enter validity.