The resident of Sverdlovsk will be responsible before court for escape from under an escort

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The resident of Sverdlovsk will be responsible before court for escape from under an escort

Sverdlovsk region, on December 12, Russian information agency "FederalPress". Prosecutor's office Arti district Sverdlovsk region directed to court criminal case concerning the 32-year-old resident of Nizhny Tagil earlier repeatedly judged for murder.

As were reported by Russian information agency "FederalPress" in the press service of prosecutor's offices on Sverdlovsk region, it is accused of escape from under guards and illegal penetration into the dwelling.

Incident happened on September 24, 2017 when early in the morning there was a convoy from the temporary detention center building to the special car for deliveries in FKU "Pre-trial Detention Center No. 1" Yekaterinburg. The man who was accused of assault and attempt at a robbery, pushed away the escort and got on the top lattice of the walking yard, unbent a wire and jumped off on the street then disappeared in the unknown direction.

two hours, police officers Later overtook the malefactor in a house where it illegally got, having frightened the sleeping hostess.

After that incident one police officer was dismissed by

, to the head of department of police the prevention of incomplete office compliance was declared, the deputy chief of police is transferred to a subordinate position and five more police officers were brought to a strict disciplinary responsibility.